Troubleshoot the Snowflake connector in Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse

APPLIES TO: Azure Data Factory Azure Synapse Analytics


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This article provides suggestions to troubleshoot common problems with the Snowflake connector in Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse.

Error code: NotAllowToAccessSnowflake

  • Symptoms: The copy activity fails with the following error:

    IP % is not allowed to access Snowflake. Contact your local security administrator.

  • Cause: It's a connectivity issue and usually caused by firewall IP issues when integration runtimes access your Snowflake.

  • Recommendation:

Error code: SnowflakeFailToAccess

  • Symptoms:
    The copy activity fails with the following error when using Snowflake as source:
    Failed to access remote file: access denied. Please check your credentials
    The copy activity fails with the following error when using Snowflake as sink:
    Failure using stage area. Cause: [This request is not authorized to perform this operation. (Status Code: 403; Error Code: AuthorizationFailure)

  • Cause: The error pops up by the Snowflake COPY command and is caused by missing access permission on source/sink when execute Snowflake COPY commands.

  • Recommendation: Check your source/sink to make sure that you have granted proper access permission to Snowflake.

    • Direct copy: Make sure to grant access permission to Snowflake in the other source/sink. Currently, only Azure Blob Storage that uses shared access signature authentication is supported as source or sink. When you generate the shared access signature, make sure to set the allowed permissions and IP addresses to Snowflake in the Azure Blob Storage. For more information, see this article.
    • Staged copy: The staging Azure Blob Storage linked service must use shared access signature authentication. When you generate the shared access signature, make sure to set the allowed permissions and IP addresses to Snowflake in the staging Azure Blob Storage. For more information, see this article.

For more troubleshooting help, try these resources: