Sensor Integration as both partner and customer in Azure Data Manager for Agriculture
Follow the below steps to register as a sensor partner so that you can start pushing your data into your Data Manager for Agriculture instance.
Step 1: Enable sensor integration
Sensor integration should be enabled before it can be initiated. This step provisions required internal Azure resources for sensor integration for Data Manager for Agriculture instance. This can be done by running following armclient command.
The above job might take a few minutes to complete. To know the status of job, the following armclient command should be run:
armclient get /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name> /providers/Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/<datamanager-instance-name>?api-version=2023-06-01-preview
To verify whether it's completed, look at the highlighted attribute. It should be updated as “Succeeded” from “Creating” in the earlier step. The attribute that indicates that the sensor integration is enabled is indicated by provisioningState inside the sensorIntegration object.
Create sensor using the corresponding integration ID and sensor data model ID. DeviceId and HardwareId are optional parameters, if needed, you can use the Devices - Create Or Update to create the device.
For all sensor telemetry events, "timestamp" is a mandatory property and has to be in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).
You're now all set to start pushing sensor data for all sensors using the respective connection string provided for each sensor. However, sensor data should be sent in the format defined in the sensor data model created in Step 3. Refer to an example of the telemetry schema that follows:
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