Applies to: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 13.3 LTS and above Unity Catalog only
Returns the metadata of an existing connection. The metadata information includes connection name, comment, owner and select options.
{ DESC | DESCRIBE } CONNECTION connection_name
You can also specify SERVER instead of CONNECTION.
connection_name: The name of an existing connection in the Unity Catalog metastore.
If the name does not exist, an exception is thrown.
A report with the following rows:
name: The name of the connection.
Connection Type: The type of the connection.
Credential Type: The type of the credential (e.g. username_password)
Url: The URL of the remote server.
Owner: The principal that owns the connection.
Created At: The timestamp when the connection was created, in ISO 8601 format.
Created By: The principal who created the connection.
Comment: User specified comments, if any.
Options: A selective list of options that are considered safe to display.
> DESCRIBECONNECTION postgresql_connection;
---- ---------------------
name postgresql_connection
Connection Type postgresql
Credential Type username_password
Url jdbc://...
Created At 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000
Created By
Comment This is a postgresql connection
Options ((host, '...'), (port, '5432'), ...)
PostgreSQL is a client-server system, which allows many clients to connect to a central server. In this module you learn how PostgreSQL manages connections from clients, and looking at some common PostgreSQL client tools.