Install the Azure SDK for Go

Welcome to the Azure SDK for Go! The SDK allows you to manage and interact with Azure services from your Go applications.

Get the Azure SDK for Go

The Azure SDK for Go is compatible with Go versions 1.8 and higher. For environments using Azure Stack Profiles, Go version 1.9 is the minimum requirement. If you need to install Go, follow the Go installation instructions.

You can download the Azure SDK for Go and its dependencies via go get.

go get -u -d


Make sure that you capitalize Azure in the URL. Doing otherwise can cause case-related import problems when working with the SDK. You also need to capitalize Azure in your import statements.

Some Azure services have their own Go SDK and aren't included in the core Azure SDK for Go package. The following table lists the services with their own SDKs and their package names. These packages are all considered to be in preview.

Service Package
Blob Storage
File Storage
Storage Queue
Event Hub
Service Bus

Vendor the Azure SDK for Go

The Azure SDK for Go may be vendored through dep. For stability reasons, vendoring is recommended. To use dep in your own project, add to a [[constraint]] section of your Gopkg.toml. For example, to vendor on version 14.0.0, add the following entry:

name = ""
version = "14.0.0"

Include the Azure SDK for Go in your project

To use Azure services from your Go code, import any services you interact with and the required autorest modules. You get a complete list of the available modules from GoDoc for available services and AutoRest packages. The most common packages you need from go-autorest are:

Package Description Objects for handling service client authentication Constants for interactions with Azure services Authentication mechanisms for accessing Azure services Type assertion helpers for working with Azure SDK data structures

Go packages and Azure services are versioned independently. The service versions are part of the module import path, underneath the services module. The full path for the module is the name of the service, followed by the version in YYYY-MM-DD format, followed by the service name again. For example, to import the 2017-03-30 version of the Compute service:

import ""

It's recommended that you use the latest version of a service when starting development and keep it consistent. Service requirements may change between versions that could break your code, even if there are no Go SDK updates during that time.

If you need a collective snapshot of services, you can also select a single profile version. Right now, the only locked profile is version 2017-03-09, which may not have the latest features of services. Profiles are located under the profiles module, with their version in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Services are grouped under their profile version. For example, to import the Azure Resources management module from the 2017-03-09 profile:

import ""


There are also preview and latest profiles available. Using them is not recommended. These profiles are rolling versions and service behavior may change at any time.

Next steps

To begin using the Azure SDK for Go, try out a quickstart.

If you want to get started with other services in the Go SDK immediately, take a look at some of the available sample code.