The Postman collection for Well Delivery DDMS contains requests that you can use to interact with data about wells, wellbores, well logs, and well trajectory in your Azure Data Manager for Energy instance.
Use the token output to update access_token in your Well Delivery DDMS environment. Then, you can use the bearer token as an authorization type in other API calls.
Use Well Delivery DDMS APIs to work with well data records
Successfully completing the Postman requests that are described in the following Well Delivery DDMS APIs indicates successful ingestion and retrieval of well records in your Azure Data Manager for Energy instance.
Create a well record
Create a well record in your Azure Data Manager for Energy instance.
API: UC1 > entity_create well
Method: PUT
Create a wellbore record
Create a wellbore record in your Azure Data Manager for Energy instance.
API: UC1 > entity_create wellbore
Method: PUT
Get a well version
Get a well record based on a specific well ID.
API: UC1 > entity_create well Copy
Method: GET
Create an activity plan
Create an activity plan.
API: UC1 > entity_create activityplan
Method: PUT
Get an activity plan by well ID
Get the activity plan object for a specific well ID.
API: UC2 > activity_plans_by_well
Method: GET
Delete a wellbore record
You can delete a wellbore record in your Azure Data Manager for Energy instance by using Well Delivery DDMS APIs. The following screenshot shows an example.
Delete a well record
You can delete a well record in your Azure Data Manager for Energy instance by using Well Delivery DDMS APIs. The following screenshot shows an example.
Next steps
Go to the next tutorial to learn how to work with well data by using Wellbore DDMS APIs:
Learn how to work with well data records in your Azure Data Manager for Energy instance by using Wellbore Domain Data Management Services (DDMS) APIs in Postman.
Learn how to work with Petrel data records in your Azure Data Manager for Energy instance by using Petrel Domain Data Management Services (DDMS) APIs in Postman.