On July 11, 2026, Blueprints (Preview) will be deprecated. Migrate your existing blueprint definitions and assignments to Template Specs and Deployment Stacks. Blueprint artifacts are to be converted to ARM JSON templates or Bicep files used to define deployment stacks. To learn how to author an artifact as an ARM resource, see:
The following table includes links to samples for Azure Blueprints. Each sample is production
quality and ready to deploy today to assist you in meeting your various compliance needs.
Provides a set of controls to help you set up for migrating your first workload and manage your cloud estate in alignment with the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure.
Samples strategy
Describes a coordinate system where architectural complexity is on the X axis and compliance requirements are on the Y axis. As architectural complexity and compliance requirements increase, adopt standard Blueprint samples from the portal designated in region E. For customers getting started with Azure use Cloud Adoption Framework (C A F) based Foundation and Landing Zone blueprints designated by region A and B. The remaining space is attributed to custom blueprints created by customers are partners for regions C, D, and F.
The CAF foundation and the CAF Migrate landing zone blueprints assume that the customer is preparing
an existing clean single subscription for migrating on-premises assets and workloads in to Azure.
(Region A and B in the figure).
There's an opportunity to iterate on the sample blueprints and look for patterns of customizations
that a customer is applying. There is also an opportunity to proactively address blueprints that are
industry-specific like financial services and e-commerce (top end of Region B). Similarly, we
envision building blueprints for complex architectural considerations like, multiple subscriptions,
high availability, cross region resources and customers who are implementing controls over existing
subscriptions and resources (Region C and D).
There are sample blueprints that address customer scenario where the compliance requirements are
high and the architectural complexities are high (Region E in the figure). Region F in the figure is
one that is addressed by customers and partners who are applying the sample blueprints and
customizing each for their unique needs.
Simplify deployments by packaging artifacts, such as Azure Resource Manager templates, Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC), and policies, in a single blueprint definition.
Learn about the lifecycle that a blueprint definition goes through and details about each stage, including updating and removing blueprint assignments.