Quickstart: Create Apache HBase cluster in Azure HDInsight using ARM template
In this quickstart, you use an Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template) to create an Apache HBase cluster in Azure HDInsight. HBase is an open-source, NoSQL database that is built on Apache Hadoop and modeled after Google BigTable.
An Azure Resource Manager template is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file that defines the infrastructure and configuration for your project. The template uses declarative syntax. You describe your intended deployment without writing the sequence of programming commands to create the deployment.
If your environment meets the prerequisites and you're familiar with using ARM templates, select the Deploy to Azure button. The template opens in the Azure portal.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
Select the Deploy to Azure button below to sign in to Azure and open the ARM template.
Enter or select the following values:
From the drop-down list, select the Azure subscription that's used for the cluster.
Resource group
From the drop-down list, select your existing resource group, or select Create new.
The value autopopulates with the location used for the resource group.
Cluster Name
Enter a globally unique name. For this template, use only lowercase letters, and numbers.
Cluster sign in User Name
Provide the username, default is admin.
Cluster sign in Password
Provide a password. The password must be at least 10 characters in length and must contain at least one digit, one uppercase, and one lower case letter, one nonalphanumeric character (except characters ' ` ").
Ssh User Name
Provide the username, default is sshuser.
Ssh Password
Provide the password.
Review the TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Then select I agree to the terms and conditions stated above, then Purchase. You receive a notification that your deployment is in progress. It takes about 20 minutes to create a cluster.
Review deployed resources
Once the cluster is created, you receive a Deployment succeeded notification with a Go to resource link. Your Resource group page lists your new HDInsight cluster and the default storage associated with the cluster. Each cluster an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 dependency. It's referred as the default storage account. The HDInsight cluster and its default storage account must be colocated in the same Azure region. Deleting clusters doesn't delete the storage account.
Clean up resources
After you complete the quickstart, you may want to delete the cluster. With HDInsight, your data is stored in Azure Storage, so you can safely delete a cluster when it isn't in use. You're also charged for an HDInsight cluster, even when it isn't in use. Since the charges for the cluster are many times more than the charges for storage, it makes economic sense to delete clusters when they aren't in use.
From the Azure portal, navigate to your cluster, and select Delete.
You can also select the resource group name to open the resource group page, and then select Delete resource group. By deleting the resource group, you delete both the HDInsight cluster, and the default storage account.
Next steps
In this quickstart, you learned how to create an Apache HBase cluster in HDInsight using an ARM template. In the next article, you learn how to query HBase in HDInsight with HBase Shell.
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