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Frequently asked questions about Azure Migrate application and code assessment

This article provides answers to some of the most common questions about Azure Migrate application and code assessment. If your Azure issue isn't addressed in this article, visit the Azure forums on Microsoft Q & A and Stack Overflow. You can post your issue in these forums, or post to @AzureSupport on X. You can also submit an Azure support request. To submit a support request, on the Azure support page, select Get support.

What is Azure Migrate application and code assessment?

Azure Migrate application and code assessment for Java and .NET is a free set of tools by Microsoft. The tool focuses on code and application analysis and recommendations for planning cloud deployment and replatform. It improves confidence in running business-critical solutions in the cloud through a developer-oriented assessment experience of source code. It has prioritized recommendations and reference examples to adjust code and configuration to run well in the cloud. It aligns with industry-proven practices to build reliable, modern, and innovative applications on Azure.

What scenarios should I use Azure Migrate application and code assessment?

For scenarios that require deeper analysis of the application and migration guidance, several other dimensions such as source code, application configuration and dependency analysis become necessary. Azure Migrate application and code assessment for Java and .NET helps you do full source code level scanning and application scanning. It produces a comprehensive report for your migration needs.

When should I use Azure Migrate application and code assessment?

If you manage application development projects and have access to source code written in .NET and Java, use it when you want to move to Azure and learn about how to replatform your applications to be cloud ready. Azure Migrate application and code assessment for Java and .NET can help you generate deep analysis with dependencies clearly laid out with a dashboard. It tells you what the mandatory changes are that you need to apply for it to run on Azure.

Do I need to pay to use Azure Migrate application and code assessment?

No, it's a free tool.

Which target destinations does it cover today?

The tool covers various Azure services, including but not limited to Azure App Service, Azure Spring Apps, Azure Container Apps, and Azure Kubernetes Service.

How do I seek for support?

Submit feedback to our engineering team in the tool, and we'll help address any technical difficulties.

Next steps

Try Azure Migrate application and code assessment today.