In this article, you learn how to use Azure Network Watcher NSG diagnostics to check and troubleshoot security rules applied to your Azure traffic through network security groups and Azure Virtual Network Manager. NSG diagnostics checks if the traffic is allowed or denied by applied security rules.
The example in this article shows you how a misconfigured network security group can prevent you from using Azure Bastion to connect to a virtual machine.
The steps in this article run the Azure PowerShell cmdlets interactively in Azure Cloud Shell. To run the commands in the Cloud Shell, select Open Cloud Shell at the upper-right corner of a code block. Select Copy to copy the code and then paste it into Cloud Shell to run it. You can also run the Cloud Shell from within the Azure portal.
You can also install Azure PowerShell locally to run the cmdlets. This article requires the Az PowerShell module. For more information, see How to install Azure PowerShell. To find the installed version, run Get-InstalledModule -Name Az. If you run PowerShell locally, sign in to Azure using the Connect-AzAccount cmdlet.
The steps in this article run the Azure CLI commands interactively in Azure Cloud Shell. To run the commands in the Cloud Shell, select Open Cloud Shell at the upper-right corner of a code block. Select Copy to copy the code, and paste it into Cloud Shell to run it. You can also run the Cloud Shell from within the Azure portal.
You can also install Azure CLI locally to run the commands. If you run Azure CLI locally, sign in to Azure using the az login command.
Create a virtual network and a Bastion host
In this section, you create a virtual network with two subnets and an Azure Bastion host. The first subnet is used for the virtual machine, and the second subnet is used for the Bastion host. You also create a network security group and apply it to the first subnet.
In the search box at the top of the portal, enter virtual networks. Select Virtual networks from the search results.
Select + Create. In Create virtual network, enter or select the following values in the Basics tab:
Project Details
Select your Azure subscription.
Resource Group
Select Create new. Enter myResourceGroup in Name. Select OK.
Instance details
Virtual network name
Enter myVNet.
Select (US) East US.
Select the Security tab, or select the Next button at the bottom of the page.
Under Azure Bastion, select Enable Azure Bastion and accept the default values:
Azure Bastion host name
Azure Bastion public IP Address
(New) myVNet-bastion-publicIpAddress.
Select the IP Addresses tab, or select Next button at the bottom of the page.
Accept the default IP address space and edit the default subnet by selecting the pencil icon. In the Edit subnet page, enter the following values:
Subnet details
Enter mySubnet.
Network security group
Select Create new. Enter mySubnet-nsg in Name. Select OK.
Select the Review + create.
Review the settings, and then select Create.
Create a resource group using New-AzResourceGroup. An Azure resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.
Azure PowerShell
# Create a resource group.New-AzResourceGroup -Name'myResourceGroup' -Location'eastus'
Create the public IP address resource required for the Bastion host using New-AzPublicIpAddress.
Azure PowerShell
# Create a public IP address for Azure Bastion.New-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName'myResourceGroup' -Name'myBastionIp' -Location'eastus' -AllocationMethod'Static' -Sku'Standard'
az network vnet create --resource-group'myResourceGroup'--name'myVNet'--subnet-name'mySubnet'--subnet-prefixes10.0.0.0/24--network-security-group'mySubnet-nsg'
az network bastion create --name'myVNet-Bastion'--public-ip-address'myBastionIp'--resource-group'myResourceGroup'--vnet-name'myVNet'
Hourly pricing starts from the moment Bastion host is deployed, regardless of outbound data usage. For more information, see Pricing. We recommend that you delete this resource once you've finished using it.
Create a virtual machine
In this section, you create a virtual machine and a network security group applied to its network interface.
Create a virtual machine using New-AzVM. When prompted, enter a username and password.
Azure PowerShell
# Create a virtual machine using the latest Windows Server 2022 image.New-AzVm -ResourceGroupName'myResourceGroup' -Name'myVM' -Location'eastus' -VirtualNetworkName'myVNet' -SubnetName'mySubnet' -SecurityGroupName'myVM-nsg' -ImageName'MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2022-Datacenter-azure-edition:latest'
Create a virtual machine using az vm create. When prompted, enter a username and password.
Azure CLI
# Create a virtual machine using the latest Windows Server 2022 vm create --resource-group'myResourceGroup'--name'myVM'--location'eastus'--vnet-name'myVNet'--subnet'mySubnet'--public-ip-address''--nsg'myVM-nsg'--image'Win2022AzureEditionCore'
Add a security rule to the network security group
In this section, you add a security rule to the network security group associated with the network interface of myVM. The rule denies any inbound traffic from the virtual network.
# Place the network security group configuration into a variable.$networkSecurityGroup = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name'myVM-nsg' -ResourceGroupName'myResourceGroup'# Create a security rule that denies inbound traffic from the virtual network service tag.Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name'DenyVnetInBound' -NetworkSecurityGroup$networkSecurityGroup `
-Access 'Deny' -Protocol'*' -Direction'Inbound' -Priority'1000' `
-SourceAddressPrefix 'virtualNetwork' -SourcePortRange'*' -DestinationAddressPrefix'*' -DestinationPortRange'*'# Updates the network security group.Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -NetworkSecurityGroup$networkSecurityGroup
Use az network nsg rule create to add to the network security group a security rule that denies traffic from the virtual network.
Azure CLI
# Add to the network security group a security rule that denies inbound traffic from the virtual network service network nsg rule create --name'DenyVnetInBound'--resource-group'myResourceGroup'--nsg-name'myVM-nsg'--priority'1000' \
--access'Deny'--protocol'*'--direction'Inbound'--source-address-prefixes'virtualNetwork'--source-port-ranges'*' \
The VirtualNetwork service tag represents the address space of the virtual network, all connected on-premises address spaces, peered virtual networks, virtual networks connected to a virtual network gateway, the virtual IP address of the host, and address prefixes used on user-defined routes. For more information, see Service tags.
Check security rules applied to a virtual machine traffic
Use NSG diagnostics to check the security rules applied to the traffic originated from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
In the search box at the top of the portal, search for and select Network Watcher.
Under Network diagnostic tools, select NSG diagnostics.
On the NSG diagnostics page, enter or select the following values:
Target resource
Target resource type
Select Virtual machine.
Virtual machine
Select myVM virtual machine.
Traffic details
Select TCP. Other available options are: Any, UDP and ICMP.
Select Inbound. Other available option is: Outbound.
Source type
Select IPv4 address/CIDR. Other available option is: Service Tag.
IPv4 address/CIDR
Enter, which is the IP address range of the Bastion subnet. Acceptable values are: single IP address, multiple IP addresses, single IP prefix, multiple IP prefixes.
Destination IP address
Leave the default of, which is the IP address of myVM.
Destination port
Enter * to include all ports.
Select Run NSG diagnostics to run the test. Once NSG diagnostics completes checking all security rules, it displays the result.
The result shows that there are three security rules assessed for the inbound connection from the Bastion subnet:
GlobalRules: this security admin rule is applied at the virtual network level using Azure Virtual Network Manage. The rule allows inbound TCP traffic from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
mySubnet-nsg: this network security group is applied at the subnet level (subnet of the virtual machine). The rule allows inbound TCP traffic from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
myVM-nsg: this network security group is applied at the network interface (NIC) level. The rule denies inbound TCP traffic from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
Select View details of myVM-nsg to see details about the security rules that this network security group has and which rule is denying the traffic.
In myVM-nsg network security group, the security rule DenyVnetInBound denies any traffic coming from the address space of VirtualNetwork service tag to the virtual machine. The Bastion host uses IP addresses from the address range:, which is included in VirtualNetwork service tag, to connect to the virtual machine. Therefore, the connection from the Bastion host is denied by the DenyVnetInBound security rule.
# Create a profile for the diagnostic session.$profile = New-AzNetworkWatcherNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticProfile -Direction Inbound -Protocol Tcp -Source10.0.1.0/26 -Destination10.0.0.4 -DestinationPort *
# Place the virtual machine configuration into a variable.$vm = Get-AzVM -Name'myVM' -ResourceGroupName'myResourceGroup'# Start the the NSG diagnostics session.Invoke-AzNetworkWatcherNetworkConfigurationDiagnostic -Location'eastus' -TargetResourceId$vm.Id -Profile$profile | Format-List
Output similar to the following example output is returned:
The result shows that there are three security rules assessed for the inbound connection from the Bastion subnet:
GlobalRules: this security admin rule is applied at the virtual network level using Azure Virtual Network Manage. The rule allows inbound TCP traffic from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
mySubnet-nsg: this network security group is applied at the subnet level (subnet of the virtual machine). The rule allows inbound TCP traffic from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
myVM-nsg: this network security group is applied at the network interface (NIC) level. The rule denies inbound TCP traffic from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
In myVM-nsg network security group, the security rule DenyVnetInBound denies any traffic coming from the address space of VirtualNetwork service tag to the virtual machine. The Bastion host uses IP addresses from, which are included VirtualNetwork service tag, to connect to the virtual machine. Therefore, the connection from the Bastion host is denied by the DenyVnetInBound security rule.
The result shows that there are three security rules assessed for the inbound connection from the Bastion subnet:
GlobalRules: this security admin rule is applied at the virtual network level using Azure Virtual Network Manage. The rule allows inbound TCP traffic from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
mySubnet-nsg: this network security group is applied at the subnet level (subnet of the virtual machine). The rule allows inbound TCP traffic from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
myVM-nsg: this network security group is applied at the network interface (NIC) level. The rule denies inbound TCP traffic from the Bastion subnet to the virtual machine.
In myVM-nsg network security group, the security rule DenyVnetInBound denies any traffic coming from the address space of VirtualNetwork service tag to the virtual machine. The Bastion host uses IP addresses from, which are included VirtualNetwork service tag, to connect to the virtual machine. Therefore, the connection from the Bastion host is denied by the DenyVnetInBound security rule.
Add a security rule to allow traffic from the Bastion subnet
To connect to myVM using Azure Bastion, traffic from the Bastion subnet must be allowed by the network security group. To allow traffic from, add a security rule with a higher priority (lower priority number) than DenyVnetInBound rule or edit the DenyVnetInBound rule to allow traffic from the Bastion subnet.
You can add the security rule to the network security group from the Network Watcher page that showed you the details about the security rule denying the traffic to the virtual machine.
To add the security rule from within Network Watcher, select + Add security rule, and then enter or select the following values:
Select IP Addresses.
Source IP addresses/CIDR ranges
Enter, which is the IP address range of the Bastion subnet.
Source port ranges
Enter *.
Select Any.
Select Custom.
Destination port ranges
Enter *.
Select Any.
Select Allow.
Enter 900, which is higher priority than 1000 used for DenyVnetInBound rule.
Enter AllowBastionConnections.
Select Recheck to run the diagnostic session again. The diagnostic session should now show that the traffic from the Bastion subnet is allowed.
The security rule AllowBastionConnections allows the traffic from any IP address in to the virtual machine. Because the Bastion host uses IP addresses from, its connection to the virtual machine is allowed by the AllowBastionConnections security rule.
# Create a profile for the diagnostic session.$profile = New-AzNetworkWatcherNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticProfile -Direction'Inbound' -Protocol'Tcp' -Source'' -Destination'' -DestinationPort'*'# Place the virtual machine configuration into a variable.$vm = Get-AzVM -Name'myVM' -ResourceGroupName'myResourceGroup'# Start the diagnostic session.Invoke-AzNetworkWatcherNetworkConfigurationDiagnostic -Location'eastus' -TargetResourceId$vm.Id -Profile$profile | Format-List
Output similar to the following example output is returned:
The security rule AllowBastionConnections allows the traffic from any IP address in to the virtual machine. Because the Bastion host uses IP addresses from, its connection to the virtual machine is allowed by the AllowBastionConnections security rule.
Use az network nsg rule create to add to the network security group a security rule that allows traffic from the Bastion subnet.
Azure CLI
# Add a security rule to the network security network nsg rule create --name'AllowBastionConnections'--resource-group'myResourceGroup'--nsg-name'myVM-nsg'--priority'900' \
--access'Allow'--protocol'*'--direction'Inbound'--source-address-prefixes''--source-port-ranges'*' \
The security rule AllowBastionConnections allows the traffic from any IP address in to the virtual machine. Because the Bastion host uses IP addresses from, its connection to the virtual machine is allowed by the AllowBastionConnections security rule.
Clean up resources
When no longer needed, delete the resource group and all of the resources it contains:
Learn about Azure Network Watcher's effective security rules feature, which provides visibility into security and admin rules applied to a network interface.
Learn how to enable or disable Azure Network Watcher in your region by creating a Network Watcher instance using the Azure portal, PowerShell, the Azure CLI, REST API, or ARM template.