Microsoft.EventGrid eventSubscriptions 2017-06-15-preview

Bicep resource definition

The eventSubscriptions resource type is an extension resource, which means you can apply it to another resource.

Use the scope property on this resource to set the scope for this resource. See Set scope on extension resources in Bicep.

The eventSubscriptions resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions@2017-06-15-preview' = {
  name: 'string'
  scope: resourceSymbolicName
  properties: {
    destination: {
      endpointType: 'WebHook'
      properties: {
        endpointUrl: 'string'
    filter: {
      includedEventTypes: [
      isSubjectCaseSensitive: bool
      subjectBeginsWith: 'string'
      subjectEndsWith: 'string'
    labels: [

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 3-64

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics and hyphens.
scope Use when creating an extension resource at a scope that is different than the deployment scope. Target resource

For Bicep, set this property to the symbolic name of the resource to apply the extension resource.
properties Properties of the event subscription EventSubscriptionProperties


Name Description Value
destination Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription. EventSubscriptionDestination
filter Information about the filter for the event subscription. EventSubscriptionFilter
labels List of user defined labels. string[]


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination 'WebHook'
properties Properties of the event subscription destination EventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
endpointUrl The URL that represents the endpoint of the destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
includedEventTypes A list of applicable event types that need to be part of the event subscription.
If it is desired to subscribe to all event types, the string "all" needs to be specified as an element in this list.
isSubjectCaseSensitive Specifies if the SubjectBeginsWith and SubjectEndsWith properties of the filter
should be compared in a case sensitive manner.
subjectBeginsWith An optional string to filter events for an event subscription based on a resource path prefix.
The format of this depends on the publisher of the events.
Wildcard characters are not supported in this path.
subjectEndsWith An optional string to filter events for an event subscription based on a resource path suffix.
Wildcard characters are not supported in this path.

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create Azure Event Grid Custom Topic and Subscription

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Event Grid custom topic and a webhook subscription. Template originally authored by John Downs.
Custom Azure Event Grid Topic/Subscription with CloudEvents

Deploy to Azure
Creates a custom Azure Event Grid topic, a webhook subscription having CloudEvents schema, and a Logic App as an event handler. Template originally authored by Justin Yoo.
Create Event Grid custom topic and event hub handler

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Event Grid custom topic and event hub to handle the events.
Create Event Grid subscription for resource events

Deploy to Azure
Creates Event Grid subscription to either resource group or Azure subscription.
Create Azure Event Grid Custom Topic and Queue Subscription

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Event Grid custom topic and a service bus queue subscription. Template originally authored by Markus Meyer.
Create Azure Event Grid Custom Topic Subscription

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Event Grid custom topic and a service bus topic subscription. Template originally authored by Markus Meyer.

ARM template resource definition

The eventSubscriptions resource type is an extension resource, which means you can apply it to another resource.

Use the scope property on this resource to set the scope for this resource. See Set scope on extension resources in ARM templates.

The eventSubscriptions resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions",
  "apiVersion": "2017-06-15-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "properties": {
    "destination": {
      "endpointType": "WebHook",
      "properties": {
        "endpointUrl": "string"
    "filter": {
      "includedEventTypes": [ "string" ],
      "isSubjectCaseSensitive": "bool",
      "subjectBeginsWith": "string",
      "subjectEndsWith": "string"
    "labels": [ "string" ]

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions'
apiVersion The resource api version '2017-06-15-preview'
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 3-64

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics and hyphens.
scope Use when creating an extension resource at a scope that is different than the deployment scope. Target resource

For JSON, set the value to the full name of the resource to apply the extension resource to.
properties Properties of the event subscription EventSubscriptionProperties


Name Description Value
destination Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription. EventSubscriptionDestination
filter Information about the filter for the event subscription. EventSubscriptionFilter
labels List of user defined labels. string[]


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination 'WebHook'
properties Properties of the event subscription destination EventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
endpointUrl The URL that represents the endpoint of the destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
includedEventTypes A list of applicable event types that need to be part of the event subscription.
If it is desired to subscribe to all event types, the string "all" needs to be specified as an element in this list.
isSubjectCaseSensitive Specifies if the SubjectBeginsWith and SubjectEndsWith properties of the filter
should be compared in a case sensitive manner.
subjectBeginsWith An optional string to filter events for an event subscription based on a resource path prefix.
The format of this depends on the publisher of the events.
Wildcard characters are not supported in this path.
subjectEndsWith An optional string to filter events for an event subscription based on a resource path suffix.
Wildcard characters are not supported in this path.

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create Azure Event Grid Custom Topic and Subscription

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Event Grid custom topic and a webhook subscription. Template originally authored by John Downs.
Custom Azure Event Grid Topic/Subscription with CloudEvents

Deploy to Azure
Creates a custom Azure Event Grid topic, a webhook subscription having CloudEvents schema, and a Logic App as an event handler. Template originally authored by Justin Yoo.
Create Event Grid custom topic and event hub handler

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Event Grid custom topic and event hub to handle the events.
Create Event Grid subscription for resource events

Deploy to Azure
Creates Event Grid subscription to either resource group or Azure subscription.
Create Azure Event Grid Custom Topic and Queue Subscription

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Event Grid custom topic and a service bus queue subscription. Template originally authored by Markus Meyer.
Create Azure Event Grid Custom Topic Subscription

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Event Grid custom topic and a service bus topic subscription. Template originally authored by Markus Meyer.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The eventSubscriptions resource type is an extension resource, which means you can apply it to another resource.

Use the parent_id property on this resource to set the scope for this resource.

The eventSubscriptions resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups
  • Subscriptions

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions@2017-06-15-preview"
  name = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      destination = {
        endpointType = "WebHook"
        properties = {
          endpointUrl = "string"
      filter = {
        includedEventTypes = [
        isSubjectCaseSensitive = bool
        subjectBeginsWith = "string"
        subjectEndsWith = "string"
      labels = [

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions@2017-06-15-preview"
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 3-64

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics and hyphens.
parent_id The ID of the resource to apply this extension resource to. string (required)
properties Properties of the event subscription EventSubscriptionProperties


Name Description Value
destination Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription. EventSubscriptionDestination
filter Information about the filter for the event subscription. EventSubscriptionFilter
labels List of user defined labels. string[]


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination "WebHook"
properties Properties of the event subscription destination EventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
endpointUrl The URL that represents the endpoint of the destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
includedEventTypes A list of applicable event types that need to be part of the event subscription.
If it is desired to subscribe to all event types, the string "all" needs to be specified as an element in this list.
isSubjectCaseSensitive Specifies if the SubjectBeginsWith and SubjectEndsWith properties of the filter
should be compared in a case sensitive manner.
subjectBeginsWith An optional string to filter events for an event subscription based on a resource path prefix.
The format of this depends on the publisher of the events.
Wildcard characters are not supported in this path.
subjectEndsWith An optional string to filter events for an event subscription based on a resource path suffix.
Wildcard characters are not supported in this path.