Monitoring SQL database deadlocks using file-based xe targets


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By default, SQL Server uses an in-memory data structure called a ring_buffer target to store deadlock events. When the Business Central Server is notified about the deadlock, it reads data from the target ring_buffer target. You now have the option to also store the events to a file on the SQL Server, called an event_file target, and configure the Business Central Server to read from this file instead of the ring_buffer target. An important difference between the ring_buffer target and event_file target is that the ring_buffer target has a storage size limitation of 5 MB, while the event_file target provides a much greater storage capacity. Using the event_file target can eliminate potential overloads in high-volume situations. So, if your setup has a high volume of database traffic, you might have to change the SQL Server to write deadlock events to an event_file target. If you want to use the default ring_buffer target, then no further action is required.

For more information, see Monitoring SQL Database Deadlocks.

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