CComControl Class
This class provides methods for creating and managing ATL controls.
This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.
template <class T, class WinBase = CWindowImpl<T>>
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CComControl : public CComControlBase,
public WinBase;
The class implementing the control.
The base class that implements windowing functions. Defaults to CWindowImpl.
Name | Description |
CComControl::CComControl | Constructor. |
Name | Description |
CComControl::ControlQueryInterface | Retrieves a pointer to the requested interface. |
CComControl::CreateControlWindow | Creates a window for the control. |
CComControl::FireOnChanged | Notifies the container's sink that a control property has changed. |
CComControl::FireOnRequestEdit | Notifies the container's sink that a control property is about to change and that the object is asking the sink how to proceed. |
CComControl::MessageBox | Call this method to create, display, and operate a message box. |
is a set of useful control helper functions and essential data members for ATL controls. When you create a standard control or a DHTML control using the ATL Control Wizard, the wizard will automatically derive your class from CComControl
. CComControl
derives most of its methods from CComControlBase.
For more information about creating a control, see the ATL Tutorial. For more information about the ATL Project Wizard, see the article Creating an ATL Project.
For a demonstration of CComControl
methods and data members, see the CIRC sample.
Header: atlctl.h
The constructor.
Calls the CComControlBase constructor, passing the m_hWnd
data member inherited through CWindowImpl.
Retrieves a pointer to the requested interface.
virtual HRESULT ControlQueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv);
[in] The GUID of the interface being requested.
[out] A pointer to the interface pointer identified by iid, or NULL if the interface is not found.
Only handles interfaces in the COM map table.
// Retrieve the control's IOleObject interface. Note interface
// is automatically released when pOleObject goes out of scope
CComPtr<IOleObject> pOleObject;
ControlQueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (void**)&pOleObject);
By default, creates a window for the control by calling CWindowImpl::Create
virtual HWND CreateControlWindow(HWND hWndParent, RECT& rcPos);
[in] Handle to the parent or owner window. A valid window handle must be supplied. The control window is confined to the area of its parent window.
[in] The initial size and position of the window to be created.
Override this method if you want to do something other than create a single window, for example, to create two windows, one of which becomes a toolbar for your control.
RECT rc = {10,10,210,110};
HWND hwndParent, hwndControl;
// get HWND of control's parent window from IOleInPlaceSite interface
hwndControl = CreateControlWindow(hwndParent, rc);
Notifies the container's sink that a control property has changed.
HRESULT FireOnChanged(DISPID dispID);
[in] Identifier of the property that has changed.
One of the standard HRESULT values.
If your control class derives from IPropertyNotifySink, this method calls CFirePropNotifyEvent::FireOnChanged to notify all connected IPropertyNotifySink
interfaces that the specified control property has changed. If your control class does not derive from IPropertyNotifySink
, this method returns S_OK.
This method is safe to call even if your control doesn't support connection points.
STDMETHODIMP CMyControl::put_MyText(BSTR newVal)
// store newVal in CComBstr member
m_bstrMyText = newVal;
// note the DISPID for the MyText property is 3 in this example
return S_OK;
Notifies the container's sink that a control property is about to change and that the object is asking the sink how to proceed.
HRESULT FireOnRequestEdit(DISPID dispID);
[in] Identifier of the property about to change.
One of the standard HRESULT values.
If your control class derives from IPropertyNotifySink, this method calls CFirePropNotifyEvent::FireOnRequestEdit to notify all connected IPropertyNotifySink
interfaces that the specified control property is about to change. If your control class does not derive from IPropertyNotifySink
, this method returns S_OK.
This method is safe to call even if your control doesn't support connection points.
STDMETHODIMP CMyControl::put_MyTitle(BSTR newVal)
// the DISPID for MyTitle in this example is 4
DISPID dispID = 4;
// make sure we can change the property
if (FireOnRequestEdit(dispID) == S_FALSE)
return S_FALSE;
// store newVal in CComBstr member
m_bstrMyTitle = newVal;
// signal that the property has been changed
return S_OK;
Call this method to create, display, and operate a message box.
int MessageBox(
LPCTSTR lpszText,
LPCTSTR lpszCaption = _T(""),
UINT nType = MB_OK);
The text to be displayed in the message box.
The dialog box title. If NULL (the default), the title "Error" is used.
Specifies the contents and behavior of the dialog box. See the MessageBox entry in the Windows SDK documentation for a list of the different message boxes available. The default provides a simple OK button.
Returns an integer value specifying one of the menu-item values listed under MessageBox in the Windows SDK documentation.
is useful both during development and as an easy way to display an error or warning message to the user.
CWindowImpl Class
Class Overview
CComControlBase Class
CComCompositeControl Class