CComModule Class
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is deprecated: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.
class CComModule : public _ATL_MODULE
Name | Description |
CComModule::GetClassObject | Creates an object of a specified CLSID. For DLLs only. |
CComModule::GetModuleInstance | Returns m_hInst . |
CComModule::GetResourceInstance | Returns m_hInstResource . |
CComModule::GetTypeLibInstance | Returns m_hInstTypeLib . |
CComModule::Init | Initializes data members. |
CComModule::RegisterClassHelper | Enters an object's standard class registration in the system registry. |
CComModule::RegisterClassObjects | Registers the class object. For EXEs only. |
CComModule::RegisterServer | Updates the system registry for each object in the object map. |
CComModule::RegisterTypeLib | Registers a type library. |
CComModule::RevokeClassObjects | Revokes the class object. For EXEs only. |
CComModule::Term | Releases data members. |
CComModule::UnregisterClassHelper | Removes an object's standard class registration from the system registry. |
CComModule::UnregisterServer | Unregisters each object in the object map. |
CComModule::UpdateRegistryClass | Registers or unregisters an object's standard class registration. |
CComModule::UpdateRegistryFromResourceD | Runs the script contained in a specified resource to register or unregister an object. |
CComModule::UpdateRegistryFromResourceS | Statically links to the ATL Registry Component. Runs the script contained in a specified resource to register or unregister an object. |
Name | Description |
CComModule::m_csObjMap | Ensures synchronized access to the object map information. |
CComModule::m_csTypeInfoHolder | Ensures synchronized access to the type library information. |
CComModule::m_csWindowCreate | Ensures synchronized access to window class information and static data used during window creation. |
CComModule::m_hInst | Contains the handle to the module instance. |
CComModule::m_hInstResource | By default, contains the handle to the module instance. |
CComModule::m_hInstTypeLib | By default, contains the handle to the module instance. |
CComModule::m_pObjMap | Points to the object map maintained by the module instance. |
This class is deprecated, and the ATL code generation wizards now use the CAtlAutoThreadModule and CAtlModule derived classes. See ATL Module Classes for more information. The information that follows is for use with applications created with older releases of ATL. CComModule
is still part of ATL for backwards capability.
implements a COM server module, allowing a client to access the module's components. CComModule
supports both DLL (in-process) and EXE (local) modules.
A CComModule
instance uses an object map to maintain a set of class object definitions. This object map is implemented as an array of _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY
structures, and contains information for:
Entering and removing object descriptions in the system registry.
Instantiating objects through a class factory.
Establishing communication between a client and the root object in the component.
Performing lifetime management of class objects.
When you run the ATL COM AppWizard, the wizard automatically generates _Module
, a global instance of CComModule
or a class derived from it. For more information about the ATL Project Wizard, see the article Creating an ATL Project.
In addition to CComModule
, ATL provides CComAutoThreadModule, which implements an apartment-model module for EXEs and Windows services. Derive your module from CComAutoThreadModule
when you want to create objects in multiple apartments.
Header: atlbase.h
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HRESULT GetClassObject(
REFCLSID rclsid,
REFIID riid,
LPVOID* ppv) throw();
[in] The CLSID of the object to be created.
[in] The IID of the requested interface.
[out] A pointer to the interface pointer identified by riid. If the object does not support this interface, ppv is set to NULL.
A standard HRESULT value.
Creates an object of the specified CLSID and retrieves an interface pointer to this object.
is only available to DLLs.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HINSTANCE GetModuleInstance() throw();
The HINSTANCE identifying this module.
Returns the m_hInst data member.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HINSTANCE GetResourceInstance() throw();
Returns the m_hInstResource data member.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HINSTANCE GetTypeLibInstance() const throw();
Returns the m_hInstTypeLib data member.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
const GUID* plibid = NULL) throw();
[in] A pointer to an array of object map entries.
[in] The HINSTANCE passed to DLLMain
or WinMain
[in] A pointer to the LIBID of the type library associated with the project.
A standard HRESULT value.
Initializes all data members.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
Ensures synchronized access to the object map.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
CRITICAL_SECTION m_csTypeInfoHolder;
Ensures synchronized access to the type library.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
CRITICAL_SECTION m_csWindowCreate;
Ensures synchronized access to window class information and to static data used during window creation.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
Contains the handle to the module instance.
The Init method sets m_hInst
to the handle passed to DLLMain
or WinMain
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HINSTANCE m_hInstResource;
By default, contains the handle to the module instance.
The Init method sets m_hInstResource
to the handle passed to DLLMain
or WinMain
. You can explicitly set m_hInstResource
to the handle to a resource.
The GetResourceInstance method returns the handle stored in m_hInstResource
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HINSTANCE m_hInstTypeLib;
By default, contains the handle to the module instance.
The Init method sets m_hInstTypeLib
to the handle passed to DLLMain
or WinMain
. You can explicitly set m_hInstTypeLib
to the handle to a type library.
The GetTypeLibInstance method returns the handle stored in m_hInstTypeLib
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
Points to the object map maintained by the module instance.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
const CLSID& clsid,
LPCTSTR lpszVerIndProgID,
DWORD dwFlags);
[in] The CLSID of the object to be registered.
[in] The ProgID associated with the object.
[in] The version-independent ProgID associated with the object.
[in] The identifier of a string resource for the object's description.
[in] Specifies the threading model to enter in the registry. Possible values are THREADFLAGS_APARTMENT, THREADFLAGS_BOTH, or AUTPRXFLAG.
A standard HRESULT value.
Enters an object's standard class registration in the system registry.
The UpdateRegistryClass method calls RegisterClassHelper
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HRESULT RegisterClassObjects(DWORD dwClsContext, DWORD dwFlags) throw();
[in] Specifies the context in which the class object is to be run. Possible values are CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER, or CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER. For a description of these values, see CLSCTX in the Windows SDK.
[in] Determines the connection types to the class object. Possible values are REGCLS_SINGLEUSE, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, or REGCLS_MULTI_SEPARATE. For a description of these values, see REGCLS in the Windows SDK.
A standard HRESULT value.
Registers an EXE class object with OLE so other applications can connect to it. This method is only available to EXEs.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HRESULT RegisterServer(
BOOL bRegTypeLib = FALSE,
const CLSID* pCLSID = NULL) throw();
[in] Indicates whether the type library will be registered. The default value is FALSE.
[in] Points to the CLSID of the object to be registered. If NULL (the default value), all objects in the object map will be registered.
A standard HRESULT value.
Depending on the pCLSID parameter, updates the system registry for a single class object or for all objects in the object map.
If bRegTypeLib is TRUE, the type library information will also be updated.
See OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO for information on how to add an entry to the object map.
will be called automatically by DLLRegisterServer
for a DLL or by WinMain
for an EXE run with the /RegServer
command line option.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HRESULT RegisterTypeLib() throw();
HRESULT RegisterTypeLib(LPCTSTR lpszIndex) throw();
[in] String in the format "\\N"
, where N
is the integer index of the TYPELIB resource.
A standard HRESULT value.
Adds information about a type library to the system registry.
If the module instance contains multiple type libraries, use the second version of this method to specify which type library should be used.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HRESULT RevokeClassObjects() throw();
A standard HRESULT value.
Removes the class object. This method is only available to EXEs.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
void Term() throw();
Releases all data members.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
const CLSID& clsid,
LPCTSTR lpszVerIndProgID);
[in] The CLSID of the object to be unregistered.
[in] The ProgID associated with the object.
[in] The version-independent ProgID associated with the object.
A standard HRESULT value.
Removes an object's standard class registration from the system registry.
The UpdateRegistryClass method calls UnregisterClassHelper
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
HRESULT UnregisterServer(const CLSID* pCLSID = NULL) throw ();
inline HRESULT UnregisterServer(BOOL bUnRegTypeLib, const CLSID* pCLSID = NULL) throw ();
If TRUE, the type library is also unregistered.
Points to the CLSID of the object to be unregistered. If NULL (the default value), all objects in the object map will be unregistered.
A standard HRESULT value.
Depending on the pCLSID parameter, unregisters either a single class object or all objects in the object map.
will be called automatically by DLLUnregisterServer
for a DLL or by WinMain
for an EXE run with the /UnregServer
command line option.
See OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO for information on how to add an entry to the object map.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
const CLSID& clsid,
LPCTSTR lpszVerIndProgID,
DWORD dwFlags,
BOOL bRegister);
const CLSID& clsid,
LPCTSTR lpszVerIndProgID,
DWORD dwFlags,
BOOL bRegister);
The CLSID of the object to be registered or unregistered.
The ProgID associated with the object.
The version-independent ProgID associated with the object.
The identifier of the string resource for the object's description.
A string containing the object's description.
Specifies the threading model to enter in the registry. Possible values are THREADFLAGS_APARTMENT, THREADFLAGS_BOTH, or AUTPRXFLAG.
Indicates whether the object should be registered.
A standard HRESULT value.
If bRegister is TRUE, this method enters the object's standard class registration in the system registry.
If bRegister is FALSE, it removes the object's registration.
Depending on the value of bRegister, UpdateRegistryClass
calls either RegisterClassHelper or UnregisterClassHelper.
By specifying the DECLARE_REGISTRY macro, UpdateRegistryClass
will be invoked automatically when your object map is processed.
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
virtual HRESULT UpdateRegistryFromResourceD(
LPCTSTR lpszRes,
BOOL bRegister,
struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL) throw();
virtual HRESULT UpdateRegistryFromResourceD(
BOOL bRegister,
struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL) throw ();
[in] A resource name.
[in] A resource ID.
[in] Indicates whether the object should be registered.
[in] A pointer to the replacement map storing values associated with the script's replaceable parameters. ATL automatically uses %MODULE%
. To use additional replaceable parameters, see the Remarks for details. Otherwise, use the NULL default value.
A standard HRESULT value.
Runs the script contained in the resource specified by lpszRes or nResID.
If bRegister is TRUE, this method registers the object in the system registry; otherwise, it unregisters the object.
By specifying the DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCE or DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID macro, UpdateRegistryFromResourceD
will be invoked automatically when your object map is processed.
To substitute replacement values at run time, do not specify the DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCE or DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID macro. Instead, create an array of _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRIES
structures, where each entry contains a variable placeholder paired with a value to replace the placeholder at run time. Then call UpdateRegistryFromResourceD
, passing the array for the pMapEntries parameter. This adds all the replacement values in the _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRIES
structures to the Registrar's replacement map.
To statically link to the ATL Registry Component (Registrar), see UpdateRegistryFromResourceS.
For more information about replaceable parameters and scripting, see the article The ATL Registry Component (Registrar).
As of ATL 7.0, CComModule
is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.
virtual HRESULT UpdateRegistryFromResourceS(
LPCTSTR lpszRes,
BOOL bRegister,
struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL) throw();
virtual HRESULT UpdateRegistryFromResourceS(
BOOL bRegister,
struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL) throw();
[in] A resource name.
[in] A resource ID.
[in] Indicates whether the resource script should be registered.
[in] A pointer to the replacement map storing values associated with the script's replaceable parameters. ATL automatically uses %MODULE%
. To use additional replaceable parameters, see the Remarks for details. Otherwise, use the NULL default value.
A standard HRESULT value.
Similar to UpdateRegistryFromResourceD except UpdateRegistryFromResourceS
creates a static link to the ATL Registry Component (Registrar).
will be invoked automatically when your object map is processed, provided you add #define _ATL_STATIC_REGISTRY
to your pch.h (stdafx.h in Visual Studio 2017 and earlier).
To substitute replacement values at run time, do not specify the DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCE or DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID macro. Instead, create an array of _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRIES
structures, where each entry contains a variable placeholder paired with a value to replace the placeholder at run time. Then call UpdateRegistryFromResourceS
, passing the array for the pMapEntries parameter. This adds all the replacement values in the _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRIES
structures to the Registrar's replacement map.
For more information about replaceable parameters and scripting, see the article The ATL Registry Component (Registrar).