/arch (ARM64)

Specifies the architecture for code generation on ARM64. For more information on /arch for other target architectures, see /arch (x86), /arch (x64), and /arch (ARM).




/arch:armv8.0 through /arch:armv8.8
Optional. Specifies minimum CPU extension requirements for ARMv8.x-A. The default is /arch:armv8.0.


You may specify a CPU extension requirement from Armv8.0-A through Armv8.8-A. However, depending on your version of Visual Studio, the compiler may not yet generate instructions from all feature sets required by the extension level you specify. For example, /arch:armv8.1 allows the _Interlocked* intrinsic functions to use the appropriate atomic instruction that was introduced with the ARMv8.1 extension, FEAT_LSE, but compiler support requires Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2 or later.

The _M_ARM64 macro is defined by default when compiling for an ARM64 target. For more information, see Predefined macros.

When you use /clr to compile, /arch has no effect on code generation for managed functions. /arch only affects code generation for native functions.

To set the /arch compiler option in Visual Studio

  1. Open the Property Pages dialog box for the project. For more information, see Set C++ compiler and build properties in Visual Studio.

  2. Select the Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Command Line property page.

  3. In the Additional options box, add /arch:armv8.0 or higher. Choose OK to save your changes.

To set this compiler option programmatically

See also

/arch (Minimum CPU architecture)
MSVC compiler options
MSVC compiler command-line syntax