CFontHolder Class
Implements the stock Font property and encapsulates the functionality of a Windows font object and the IFont
class CFontHolder
Name | Description |
CFontHolder::CFontHolder | Constructs a CFontHolder object. |
Name | Description |
CFontHolder::GetDisplayString | Retrieves the string displayed in a container's property browser. |
CFontHolder::GetFontDispatch | Returns the font's IDispatch interface. |
CFontHolder::GetFontHandle | Returns a handle to a Windows font. |
CFontHolder::InitializeFont | Initializes a CFontHolder object. |
CFontHolder::QueryTextMetrics | Retrieves information for the related font. |
CFontHolder::ReleaseFont | Disconnects the CFontHolder object from the IFont and IFontNotification interfaces. |
CFontHolder::Select | Selects a font resource into a device context. |
CFontHolder::SetFont | Connects the CFontHolder object to an IFont interface. |
Name | Description |
CFontHolder::m_pFont | A pointer to the CFontHolder object's IFont interface. |
does not have a base class.
Use this class to implement custom font properties for your control. For information on creating such properties, see the article ActiveX Controls: Using Fonts.
Header: afxctl.h
Constructs a CFontHolder
explicit CFontHolder(LPPROPERTYNOTIFYSINK pNotify);
Pointer to the font's IPropertyNotifySink
You must call InitializeFont
to initialize the resulting object before using it.
Retrieves a string that can be displayed in a container's property browser.
BOOL GetDisplayString(CString& strValue);
Reference to the CString that is to hold the display string.
Nonzero if the string is successfully retrieved; otherwise 0.
Call this function to retrieve a pointer to the font's dispatch interface.
LPFONTDISP GetFontDispatch();
A pointer to the CFontHolder
object's IFontDisp
interface. Note that the function that calls GetFontDispatch
must call IUnknown::Release
on this interface pointer when done with it.
Call InitializeFont
before calling GetFontDispatch
Call this function to get a handle to a Windows font.
HFONT GetFontHandle();
HFONT GetFontHandle(
long cyLogical,
long cyHimetric);
Height, in logical units, of the rectangle in which the control is drawn.
Height, in MM_HIMETRIC units, of the control.
A handle to the Font object; otherwise NULL.
The ratio of cyLogical and cyHimetric is used to calculate the proper display size, in logical units, for the font's point size expressed in MM_HIMETRIC units:
Display size = ( cyLogical / cyHimetric) X font size
The version with no parameters returns a handle to a font sized correctly for the screen.
Initializes a CFontHolder
void InitializeFont(
const FONTDESC* pFontDesc = NULL,
LPDISPATCH pFontDispAmbient = NULL);
Pointer to a font description structure ( FONTDESC) that specifies the font's characteristics.
Pointer to the container's ambient Font property.
If pFontDispAmbient is not NULL, the CFontHolder
object is connected to a clone of the IFont
interface used by the container's ambient Font property.
If pFontDispAmbient is NULL, a new Font object is created either from the font description pointed to by pFontDesc or, if pFontDesc is NULL, from a default description.
Call this function after constructing a CFontHolder
A pointer to the CFontHolder
object's IFont
LPFONT m_pFont;
Retrieves information on the physical font represented by the CFontHolder
void QueryTextMetrics(LPTEXTMETRIC lptm);
A pointer to a TEXTMETRIC structure that will receive the information.
This function disconnects the CFontHolder
object from its IFont
void ReleaseFont();
Call this function to select your control's font into the specified device context.
CFont* Select(
long cyLogical,
long cyHimetric);
Device context into which the font is selected.
Height, in logical units, of the rectangle in which the control is drawn.
Height, in MM_HIMETRIC units, of the control.
A pointer to the font that is being replaced.
See GetFontHandle for a discussion of the cyLogical and cyHimetric parameters.
Releases any existing font and connects the CFontHolder
object to an IFont
void SetFont(LPFONT pNewFont);
Pointer to the new IFont