COleChangeIconDialog Class
Used for the OLE Change Icon dialog box.
class COleChangeIconDialog : public COleDialog
Name | Description |
COleChangeIconDialog::COleChangeIconDialog | Constructs a COleChangeIconDialog object. |
Name | Description |
COleChangeIconDialog::DoChangeIcon | Performs the change specified in the dialog box. |
COleChangeIconDialog::DoModal | Displays the OLE 2 Change Icon dialog box. |
COleChangeIconDialog::GetIconicMetafile | Gets a handle to the metafile associated with the iconic form of this item. |
Name | Description |
COleChangeIconDialog::m_ci | A structure that controls the behavior of the dialog box. |
Create an object of class COleChangeIconDialog
when you want to call this dialog box. After a COleChangeIconDialog
object has been constructed, you can use the m_ci structure to initialize the values or states of controls in the dialog box. The m_ci
structure is of type OLEUICHANGEICON. For more information about using this dialog class, see the DoModal member function.
For more information, see the OLEUICHANGEICON structure in the Windows SDK.
For more information about OLE-specific dialog boxes, see the article Dialog Boxes in OLE.
Header: afxodlgs.h
This function constructs only a COleChangeIconDialog
explicit COleChangeIconDialog(
COleClientItem* pItem,
CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL);
Points to the item to be converted.
Creation flag, which contains any number of the following values combined using the bitwise-or operator:
CIF_SELECTCURRENT Specifies that the Current radio button will be selected initially when the dialog box is called. This is the default.
CIF_SELECTDEFAULT Specifies that the Default radio button will be selected initially when the dialog box is called.
CIF_SELECTFROMFILE Specifies that the From File radio button will be selected initially when the dialog box is called.
CIF_SHOWHELP Specifies that the Help button will be displayed when the dialog box is called.
CIF_USEICONEXE Specifies that the icon should be extracted from the executable specified in the
field of m_ci instead of retrieved from the type. This is useful for embedding or linking to non-OLE files.
Points to the parent or owner window object (of type CWnd
) to which the dialog object belongs. If it is NULL, the parent window of the dialog box will be set to the main application window.
To display the dialog box, call the DoModal function.
For more information, see the OLEUICHANGEICON structure in the Windows SDK.
Call this function to change the icon representing the item to the one selected in the dialog box after DoModal returns IDOK.
BOOL DoChangeIcon(COleClientItem* pItem);
Points to the item whose icon is changing.
Nonzero if change is successful; otherwise 0.
Call this function to display the OLE Change Icon dialog box.
virtual INT_PTR DoModal();
Completion status for the dialog box. One of the following values:
IDOK if the dialog box was successfully displayed.
IDCANCEL if the user canceled the dialog box.
IDABORT if an error occurred. If IDABORT is returned, call the
member function to get more information about the type of error that occurred. For a listing of possible errors, see the OleUIChangeIcon function in the Windows SDK.
If you want to initialize the various dialog box controls by setting members of the m_ci structure, you should do this before calling DoModal
, but after the dialog object is constructed.
If DoModal
returns IDOK, you can call other member functions to retrieve the settings or information that was input by the user into the dialog box.
Call this function to get a handle to the metafile that contains the iconic aspect of the selected item.
HGLOBAL GetIconicMetafile() const;
The handle to the metafile containing the iconic aspect of the new icon, if the dialog box was dismissed by choosing OK; otherwise, the icon as it was before the dialog was displayed.
Structure of type OLEUICHANGEICON used to control the behavior of the Change Icon dialog box.
Members of this structure can be modified either directly or through member functions.
For more information, see the OLEUICHANGEICON structure in the Windows SDK.