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Configurable Microsoft Edge commands

This article describes the Microsoft Edge commands that can be configured via the ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts policy. To see a list of all the available shortcuts in Microsoft Edge, see Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge.

Configurable commands

The following table shows the configurable commands, how to use them, and what they do.

Command  Default shortcuts  Does this 
back  Alt + Left arrow  Go back one page 
caret_browsing_toggle  F7  Turn caret browsing on or off 
clear_browsing_data  Ctrl + Shift + Delete  Open clear browsing data options 
close_find_or_stop  Esc  Stop loading page; Close Find dialog when it's not in focus 
close_tab  Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4  Close the current tab 
close_window  Ctrl + Shift + W or Alt + F4   Close the current window 
collections  Ctrl + Shift + Y  Open Collections 
dev_tools  Ctrl + Shift + I  Open Developer Tools 
dev_tools_console   Ctrl + Shift + J  Open Developer Tools to the Console tab 
dev_tools_elements  Ctrl + Shift + C  Open Developer Tools to the Elements tab 
dev_tools_toggle  F12  Open or close Developer Tools 
downloads  Ctrl + J  Open Downloads 
duplicate_tab  Ctrl + Shift + K  Duplicate the current tab 
favorite_all_tabs  Ctrl + Shift + D  Save all open tabs as favorites in a new folder 
favorite_this_tab  Ctrl + D  Save the current tab as a favorite 
favorites  Ctrl + Shift + O  Open Favorites 
find  Ctrl + F  Open Find on page 
find_next  Ctrl + G or F3  Jump to the next match for Find on page 
find_previous  Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3 Jump to the previous match for Find on page 
focus_address_bar  Alt + D or Ctrl + L or F4  Select the URL in the address bar to edit 
focus_app_toolbar  Alt + Shift + T  Set focus to the first item in the app bar toolbar 
focus_favorites  Alt + Shift + B  Set focus to the first item in the favorites bar toolbar 
focus_inactive_notification  Alt + Shift + A  Set focus to infobar or notification 
focus_next_pane  F6  Set focus to the next pane or notification 
focus_previous_pane  Shift + F6  Set focus to the previous pane or notification 
focus_reading_bar   Alt + Shift + R  Set focus to the first item in the Immersive Reader toolbar 
focus_search  Ctrl + E or Ctrl + K  Open a search query in the address bar 
focus_settings_and_more  Alt or F10  Set focus to the Settings and more "…" button 
focus_web_pane  Ctrl + F6  Set focus to the web page 
forward  Alt + Right arrow  Go forward one page 
fullscreen  F11  Enter or exit full screen 
help_page  F1  Open Microsoft Edge support page 
history  Ctrl + H  Open History 
home  Alt + Home  Open your home page in the current tab 
immersive_reader_toggle  F9  Enter or exit Immersive Reader 
mute_tab_toggle  Ctrl + M  Mute or unmute the current tab 
new_application_guard_window   Ctrl + Shift + Q  Open a new Application Guard window 
new_inprivate_window  Ctrl + Shift + N  Open a new InPrivate window 
new_tab  Ctrl + T  Open a new tab and switch to it 
new_window  Ctrl + N  Open a new window 
open_file  Ctrl + O  Open a file from your computer in Microsoft Edge 
paste_and_go  Ctrl + Shift + L  Paste and search or Paste and go (if it's a URL) 
print  Ctrl + P  Print the current page in Microsoft Edge 
profile  Ctrl + Shift + M  Sign in as a different user or browse as a Guest 
read_aloud_toggle  Ctrl + Shift + U  Start or stop Read Aloud 
refresh  Ctrl + R or F5  Refresh the current page 
refresh_bypassing_cache  Ctrl + Shift + R or Shift + F5  Refresh the current page, ignoring cached content
reopen_tab  Ctrl + Shift + T  Reopen the last closed tab, and switch to it 
save_page  Ctrl + S  Save the current page 
select_last_tab  Ctrl + 9  Switch to the last tab 
select_next_tab  Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn  Switch to the next tab 
select_previous_tab  Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PgUp  Switch to the previous tab 
select_tab_0 [1, 2, ... 7]  Ctrl + 1, 2, ... 8  Switch to a specific tab 
send_feedback  Alt + Shift + I  Open the Send feedback dialog 
settings_and_more_menu  Alt + E or Alt + F  Open the Settings and more "..." menu 
show_favorites_bar_toggle  Ctrl + Shift + B  Show or hide the favorites bar 
sidebar_search_selected_text  Ctrl + Shift + E  Search for the currently selected text in the sidebar 
system_print  Ctrl + Shift + P  Print the current page using the system dialog 
task_manager  Shift + Esc  Open Browser task manager 
vertical_tabs_toggle  Ctrl + Shift + ,  Turn Vertical tabs on or off 
view_source  Ctrl + U  View source 
web_capture  Ctrl + Shift + S  Start Web capture 
web_select   Ctrl + Shift + X  Start Web select 
zoom_in  Ctrl + Plus (+)  Zoom in 
zoom_out  Ctrl + Minus (-)  Zoom out 
zoom_reset  Ctrl + 0 (zero)  Reset page zoom level 

See also