Activity.VolumeControlStream Property


Gets the suggested audio stream whose volume should be changed by the hardware volume controls. -or- Suggests an audio stream whose volume should be changed by the hardware volume controls.

public Android.Media.Stream VolumeControlStream { [Android.Runtime.Register("getVolumeControlStream", "()I", "")] get; [Android.Runtime.Register("setVolumeControlStream", "(I)V", "")] set; }
[<get: Android.Runtime.Register("getVolumeControlStream", "()I", "")>]
[<set: Android.Runtime.Register("setVolumeControlStream", "(I)V", "")>]
member this.VolumeControlStream : Android.Media.Stream with get, set

Property Value

The suggested audio stream type whose volume should be changed by the hardware volume controls.



Property getter documentation:

Gets the suggested audio stream whose volume should be changed by the hardware volume controls.

Java documentation for

Property setter documentation:

Suggests an audio stream whose volume should be changed by the hardware volume controls.

The suggested audio stream will be tied to the window of this Activity. Volume requests which are received while the Activity is in the foreground will affect this stream.

It is not guaranteed that the hardware volume controls will always change this stream's volume (for example, if a call is in progress, its stream's volume may be changed instead). To reset back to the default, use AudioManager#USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE.

Java documentation for

Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

Applies to

See also