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IdentityCredential.SetAllowUsingExpiredKeys(Boolean) Method


Sets whether to allow using an authentication key which has been expired if no other key is available.

[Android.Runtime.Register("setAllowUsingExpiredKeys", "(Z)V", "GetSetAllowUsingExpiredKeys_ZHandler", ApiSince=31)]
public virtual void SetAllowUsingExpiredKeys (bool allowUsingExpiredKeys);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("setAllowUsingExpiredKeys", "(Z)V", "GetSetAllowUsingExpiredKeys_ZHandler", ApiSince=31)>]
abstract member SetAllowUsingExpiredKeys : bool -> unit
override this.SetAllowUsingExpiredKeys : bool -> unit



whether to allow using an authentication key which use count has been exceeded if no other key is available.



Sets whether to allow using an authentication key which has been expired if no other key is available. This must be called prior to calling #getEntries(byte[], Map, byte[], byte[]).

By default this is set to false.

This is only implemented in feature version 202101 or later. If not implemented, the call fails with UnsupportedOperationException. See for known feature versions.

This member is deprecated. Use PresentationSession instead.

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