ParameterIdValues Enum


Parameter Identifier

public enum ParameterIdValues
public readonly struct ParameterIdValues : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValue, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValueFactory<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Diagrams.ParameterIdValues>, IEquatable<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Diagrams.ParameterIdValues>


Name Value Description
HorizontalAlignment 0

Horizontal Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "horzAlign".

VerticalAlignment 1

Vertical Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "vertAlign".

ChildDirection 2

Child Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "chDir".

ChildAlignment 3

Child Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "chAlign".

SecondaryChildAlignment 4

Secondary Child Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "secChAlign".

LinearDirection 5

Linear Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "linDir".

SecondaryLinearDirection 6

Secondary Linear Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "secLinDir".

StartElement 7

Start Element.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "stElem".

BendPoint 8

Bend Point.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "bendPt".

ConnectionRoute 9

Connection Route.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "connRout".

BeginningArrowheadStyle 10

Beginning Arrowhead Style.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "begSty".

EndStyle 11

End Style.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "endSty".

ConnectorDimension 12

Connector Dimension.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dim".

RotationPath 13

Rotation Path.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "rotPath".

CenterShapeMapping 14

Center Shape Mapping.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ctrShpMap".

NodeHorizontalAlignment 15

Node Horizontal Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nodeHorzAlign".

NodeVerticalAlignment 16

Node Vertical Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nodeVertAlign".

FallbackScale 17

Fallback Scale.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "fallback".

TextDirection 18

Text Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txDir".

PyramidAccentPosition 19

Pyramid Accent Position.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraAcctPos".

PyramidAccentTextMargin 20

Pyramid Accent Text Margin.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraAcctTxMar".

TextBlockDirection 21

Text Block Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txBlDir".

TextAnchorHorizontal 22

Text Anchor Horizontal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txAnchorHorz".

TextAnchorVertical 23

Text Anchor Vertical.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txAnchorVert".

TextAnchorHorizontalWithChildren 24

Text Anchor Horizontal With Children.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txAnchorHorzCh".

TextAnchorVerticalWithChildren 25

Text Anchor Vertical With Children.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txAnchorVertCh".

ParentTextLeftToRightAlignment 26

Parent Text Left-to-Right Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "parTxLTRAlign".

ParentTextRightToLeftAlignment 27

Parent Text Right-to-Left Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "parTxRTLAlign".

ShapeTextLeftToRightAlignment 28

Shape Text Left-to-Right Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "shpTxLTRAlignCh".

ShapeTextRightToLeftAlignment 29

Shape Text Right-to-Left Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "shpTxRTLAlignCh".

AutoTextRotation 30

Auto Text Rotation.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "autoTxRot".

GrowDirection 31

Grow Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "grDir".

FlowDirection 32

Flow Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "flowDir".

ContinueDirection 33

Continue Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "contDir".

Breakpoint 34


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "bkpt".

Offset 35


When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "off".

HierarchyAlignment 36

Hierarchy Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "hierAlign".

BreakpointFixedValue 37

Breakpoint Fixed Value.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "bkPtFixedVal".

StartBulletsAtLevel 38

Start Bullets At Level.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "stBulletLvl".

StartAngle 39

Start Angle.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "stAng".

SpanAngle 40

Span Angle.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "spanAng".

AspectRatio 41

Aspect Ratio.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ar".

LineSpacingParent 42

Line Spacing Parent.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lnSpPar".

LineSpacingAfterParentParagraph 43

Line Spacing After Parent Paragraph.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lnSpAfParP".

LineSpacingChildren 44

Line Spacing Children.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lnSpCh".

LineSpacingAfterChildrenParagraph 45

Line Spacing After Children Paragraph.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lnSpAfChP".

RouteShortestDistance 46

Route Shortest Distance.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "rtShortDist".

TextAlignment 47

Text Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "alignTx".

PyramidLevelNode 48

Pyramid Level Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraLvlNode".

PyramidAccentBackgroundNode 49

Pyramid Accent Background Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraAcctBkgdNode".

PyramidAccentTextNode 50

Pyramid Accent Text Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraAcctTxNode".

SourceNode 51

Source Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "srcNode".

DestinationNode 52

Destination Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dstNode".

BeginningPoints 53

Beginning Points.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "begPts".

EndPoints 54

End Points.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "endPts".


Aspect Ratio.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ar".


Auto Text Rotation.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "autoTxRot".


Beginning Arrowhead Style.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "begSty".


Beginning Points.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "begPts".


Bend Point.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "bendPt".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "bkpt".


Breakpoint Fixed Value.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "bkPtFixedVal".


Center Shape Mapping.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ctrShpMap".


Child Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "chAlign".


Child Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "chDir".


Connection Route.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "connRout".


Connector Dimension.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dim".


Continue Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "contDir".


Destination Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "dstNode".


End Points.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "endPts".


End Style.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "endSty".

Equality(ParameterIdValues, ParameterIdValues)

Fallback Scale.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "fallback".


Flow Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "flowDir".


Grow Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "grDir".


Hierarchy Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "hierAlign".


Horizontal Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "horzAlign".

Inequality(ParameterIdValues, ParameterIdValues)

Linear Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "linDir".


Line Spacing After Children Paragraph.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lnSpAfChP".


Line Spacing After Parent Paragraph.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lnSpAfParP".


Line Spacing Children.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lnSpCh".


Line Spacing Parent.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "lnSpPar".


Node Horizontal Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nodeHorzAlign".


Node Vertical Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "nodeVertAlign".



When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "off".


Creates a new ParameterIdValues enum instance


Parent Text Left-to-Right Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "parTxLTRAlign".


Parent Text Right-to-Left Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "parTxRTLAlign".


Pyramid Accent Background Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraAcctBkgdNode".


Pyramid Accent Position.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraAcctPos".


Pyramid Accent Text Margin.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraAcctTxMar".


Pyramid Accent Text Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraAcctTxNode".


Pyramid Level Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "pyraLvlNode".


Rotation Path.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "rotPath".


Route Shortest Distance.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "rtShortDist".


Secondary Child Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "secChAlign".


Secondary Linear Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "secLinDir".


Shape Text Left-to-Right Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "shpTxLTRAlignCh".


Shape Text Right-to-Left Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "shpTxRTLAlignCh".


Source Node.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "srcNode".


Span Angle.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "spanAng".


Start Angle.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "stAng".


Start Bullets At Level.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "stBulletLvl".


Start Element.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "stElem".


Text Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "alignTx".


Text Anchor Horizontal.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txAnchorHorz".


Text Anchor Horizontal With Children.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txAnchorHorzCh".


Text Anchor Vertical.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txAnchorVert".


Text Anchor Vertical With Children.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txAnchorVertCh".


Text Block Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txBlDir".


Text Direction.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "txDir".


Vertical Alignment.

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "vertAlign".

Applies to

Product Versions
DocumentFormat.OpenXml 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.8.0, 2.8.1, 2.9.0, 2.9.1, 2.10.0, 2.10.1, 2.11.0, 2.11.1, 2.11.2, 2.11.3, 2.12.0, 2.12.1, 2.12.2, 2.12.3, 2.13.0, 2.13.1, 2.14.0, 2.15.0, 2.16.0, 2.17.1, 2.18.0, 2.19.0, 2.20.0, 3.0.0, 3.0.1