RoutingEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions Class


Extension methods for adding routing metadata to endpoint instances using IEndpointConventionBuilder.

public ref class RoutingEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions abstract sealed
public static class RoutingEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions
type RoutingEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions = class
Public Module RoutingEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions



Disables anti-forgery token validation for all endpoints produced on the target IEndpointConventionBuilder.

RequireHost<TBuilder>(TBuilder, String[])

Requires that endpoints match one of the specified hosts during routing.

WithDisplayName<TBuilder>(TBuilder, Func<EndpointBuilder,String>)

Sets the DisplayName using the provided func for all builders created by builder.

WithDisplayName<TBuilder>(TBuilder, String)

Sets the DisplayName to the provided displayName for all builders created by builder.

WithFormMappingOptions<TBuilder>(TBuilder, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int32>)

Configures FormMappingOptionsMetadata for all endpoints produced on the target IEndpointConventionBuilder.

WithFormOptions<TBuilder>(TBuilder, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int64>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int64>)

Configures Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Metadata.FormOptionsMetadata for all endpoints produced on the target IEndpointConventionBuilder.

WithGroupName<TBuilder>(TBuilder, String)

Sets the EndpointGroupNameAttribute for all endpoints produced on the target IEndpointConventionBuilder given the endpointGroupName. The IEndpointGroupNameMetadata on the endpoint is used to set the endpoint's GroupName in the OpenAPI specification.

WithMetadata<TBuilder>(TBuilder, Object[])

Adds the provided metadata items to Metadata for all builders produced by builder.

WithName<TBuilder>(TBuilder, String)

Adds the IEndpointNameMetadata to the Metadata collection for all endpoints produced on the target IEndpointConventionBuilder given the endpointName. The IEndpointNameMetadata on the endpoint is used for link generation and is treated as the operation ID in the given endpoint's OpenAPI specification.

WithOrder<TBuilder>(TBuilder, Int32)

Sets the Order to the provided order for all builders created by builder.

Applies to