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AzureReservationAPIClientExtensions Class


Extension methods for AzureReservationAPIClient.

public static class AzureReservationAPIClientExtensions
type AzureReservationAPIClientExtensions = class
Public Module AzureReservationAPIClientExtensions


GetAppliedReservationList(IAzureReservationAPIClient, String)

Get list of applicable Reservations.

GetAppliedReservationListAsync(IAzureReservationAPIClient, String, CancellationToken)

Get list of applicable Reservations.

GetCatalog(IAzureReservationAPIClient, String, String, String)

Get the regions and skus that are available for RI purchase for the specified Azure subscription.

GetCatalogAsync(IAzureReservationAPIClient, String, String, String, CancellationToken)

Get the regions and skus that are available for RI purchase for the specified Azure subscription.

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