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IAzureKeyVaultKms.KeyId Property


Identifier of Azure Key Vault key. See key identifier format for more details. When Azure Key Vault key management service is enabled, this field is required and must be a valid key identifier. When Azure Key Vault key management service is disabled, leave the field empty.

[Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Aks.Runtime.Info(Description="Identifier of Azure Key Vault key. See [key identifier format]( for more details. When Azure Key Vault key management service is enabled, this field is required and must be a valid key identifier. When Azure Key Vault key management service is disabled, leave the field empty.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(System.String) }, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="keyId")]
public string KeyId { get; set; }
[<Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Aks.Runtime.Info(Description="Identifier of Azure Key Vault key. See [key identifier format]( for more details. When Azure Key Vault key management service is enabled, this field is required and must be a valid key identifier. When Azure Key Vault key management service is disabled, leave the field empty.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(System.String) }, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="keyId")>]
member this.KeyId : string with get, set
Public Property KeyId As String

Property Value


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