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IIPAddressPool.OnlyUseHostIP Property


The indicator to prevent the use of IP addresses ending with .0 and .255 for this pool. Enabling this option will only use IP addresses between .1 and .254 inclusive.

[Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.NetworkCloud.Runtime.Info(Description="The indicator to prevent the use of IP addresses ending with .0 and .255 for this pool. Enabling this option will only use IP addresses between .1 and .254 inclusive.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.NetworkCloud.Support.BfdEnabled) }, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="onlyUseHostIps")]
public Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.NetworkCloud.Support.BfdEnabled? OnlyUseHostIP { get; set; }
[<Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.NetworkCloud.Runtime.Info(Description="The indicator to prevent the use of IP addresses ending with .0 and .255 for this pool. Enabling this option will only use IP addresses between .1 and .254 inclusive.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.NetworkCloud.Support.BfdEnabled) }, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="onlyUseHostIps")>]
member this.OnlyUseHostIP : Nullable<Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.NetworkCloud.Support.BfdEnabled> with get, set
Public Property OnlyUseHostIP As Nullable(Of BfdEnabled)

Property Value


Applies to