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WebHooksJobHostConfigurationExtensions.UseWebHooks Method


Enables use of the WebHooks extensions.

public static void UseWebHooks (this Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.JobHostConfiguration config, Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.WebHooks.WebHooksConfiguration webHooksConfig = default);
static member UseWebHooks : Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.JobHostConfiguration * Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.WebHooks.WebHooksConfiguration -> unit
Public Sub UseWebHooks (config As JobHostConfiguration, Optional webHooksConfig As WebHooksConfiguration = Nothing)



The Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.JobHostConfiguration to configure.


The WebHooksConfiguration to use.


In addition to enabling HTTP POST invocation of functions decorated with WebHookTriggerAttribute this also enables HTTP invocation of other functions as well. For functions not decorated with WebHookTriggerAttribute, they can be invoked via an implicit route of the form {TypeName}/{FunctionName}. The body should be a valid json string representing the data that you would pass in to Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.JobHost.Call(System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Object).

Authentication of incoming requests is handled outside of this extension. When running under the normal Azure Web App host, the extension will be listening on a loopback port that the SCM host has opened for the job, and SCM forwards authenticated requests through (SCM credentials are required to invoke the SCM endpoints).

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