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IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorClient Interface


Implemented by callers of DkmRuntimeBreakpoint.SetCompiledConditionPending to provide compiled conditions when a breakpoint is hit.

Implementations of this interface may restrict when they are called using a filter defined in their component configuration. The following properties may be used: BaseDebugMonitorId, EngineId, RuntimeId, SourceId.

public interface class IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorClient
public interface class IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorClient
__interface IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorClient
public interface IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorClient
type IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorClient = interface
Public Interface IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorClient


GetCompiledCondition(DkmRuntimeBreakpoint, DkmInstructionAddress, DkmBreakpointConditionOperator)

Call back invoked from the breakpoint condition processor to the breakpoint manager (or other component which calls SetCompiledConditionPending) when the breakpoint condition needs to be re-compiled for a new instruction address.

OnBreakpointConditionFailed(DkmRuntimeBreakpoint, String)

Call back invoked from the breakpoint condition processor to the breakpoint manager when a breakpoint condition encounters a runtime error.

Applies to