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IDkmOutOfBandProcessContinueNotification Interface


Provides notification when the target process is about to be resumed from an out of band debug event while doing managed-native interop debugging on the in-process pipeline.

Implementations of this interface may restrict when they are called using a filter defined in their component configuration. The following properties may be used: BaseDebugMonitorId, EngineId, TransportKind.

This API was introduced in Visual Studio 11 Update 1 (DkmApiVersion.VS11FeaturePack1).

public interface class IDkmOutOfBandProcessContinueNotification
public interface class IDkmOutOfBandProcessContinueNotification
__interface IDkmOutOfBandProcessContinueNotification
public interface IDkmOutOfBandProcessContinueNotification
type IDkmOutOfBandProcessContinueNotification = interface
Public Interface IDkmOutOfBandProcessContinueNotification



Handler which is notified before the target process is resumed.

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