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IDkmRuntimeFunctionResolver.EnableResolution Method


Called by the breakpoint manager to add a pending resolve request. Expression evaluators, or other components will immediately try to bind the breakpoint against current modules, and will bind the breakpoint to additional locations as modules load. The caller of this interface should implement IDkmRuntimeFunctionResolverClient to obtain the results of the resolution.

Implementations of this interface should stop attempting to bind the breakpoint when the DkmRuntimeFunctionResolutionRequest object is closed.

 void EnableResolution(Microsoft::VisualStudio::Debugger::FunctionResolution::DkmRuntimeFunctionResolutionRequest ^ runtimeFunctionResolutionRequest, Microsoft::VisualStudio::Debugger::DkmWorkList ^ workList);
public void EnableResolution (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.FunctionResolution.DkmRuntimeFunctionResolutionRequest runtimeFunctionResolutionRequest, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmWorkList workList);
abstract member EnableResolution : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.FunctionResolution.DkmRuntimeFunctionResolutionRequest * Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DkmWorkList -> unit
Public Sub EnableResolution (runtimeFunctionResolutionRequest As DkmRuntimeFunctionResolutionRequest, workList As DkmWorkList)



[In] DkmRuntimeFunctionResolutionRequest represents an expression to be parsed and evaluated by a runtime based expression evaluator and is bound to a particular process. Resolutions will send DkmModuleInstance::FunctionResolved events.


WorkList which is currently being processed. This value can be used to check for cancelation or to append additional work. New work items will not begin executing until after this function returns.

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