Span<T>.Equals(Object) Method



Equals() on Span will always throw an exception. Use == instead.


Equals() on Span will always throw an exception. Use the equality operator instead.

Calls to this method are not supported.

 override bool Equals(System::Object ^ obj);
[System.Obsolete("Equals() on Span will always throw an exception. Use == instead.")]
public override bool Equals (object? obj);
[System.Obsolete("Equals() on Span will always throw an exception. Use the equality operator instead.")]
public override bool Equals (object? obj);
[System.Obsolete("Equals() on Span will always throw an exception. Use == instead.")]
public override bool Equals (object obj);
[<System.Obsolete("Equals() on Span will always throw an exception. Use == instead.")>]
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
[<System.Obsolete("Equals() on Span will always throw an exception. Use the equality operator instead.")>]
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function Equals (obj As Object) As Boolean



Not supported.


Calls to this method are not supported.



Calls to this method are not supported.


Calls to the Equals method are not supported. Calls to the Equals methods produce either of two results:

  • If obj is a Span<T>, the method call generates compiler error CS1503: "cannot convert from 'System.Span' to 'object'." This is because Span<T> is a ref struct that cannot be boxed and therefore cannot be converted to an Object.

  • If the type of obj is not a Span<T>, the method call throws a NotSupportedException.

To compare two Span<T> objects for equality, use the Equality comparison operator.

Applies to