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Get started with MSTest

MSTest functionality is split into multiple NuGet packages:

We recommend that you don't install these packages directly into your test projects. Instead, you should use either:

  • MSTest.Sdk: A MSBuild project SDK that includes all the recommended packages and greatly simplifies all the boilerplate configuration. Although this is shipped as a NuGet package, it's not intended to be installed as a regular package dependency, instead you should modify the Sdk part of your project (e.g. <Project Sdk="MSTest.Sdk"> or <Project Sdk="MSTest.Sdk/X.Y.Z"> where X.Y.Z is MSTest version). For more information, please refer to MSTest SDK overview.

  • the MSTest NuGet package, which includes all recommended packages: MSTest.TestFramework, MSTest.TestAdapter, MSTest.Analyzers and Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk.

If you are creating a test infrastructure project that is intended to be used as a helper by multiple test projects, you should install the MSTest.TestFramework and MSTest.Analyzers packages directly into that project.