Print All Sales Documents

You now can choose how you want Dynamics GP to print and email sales documents in the Print Sales Documents window. There are now three options to choose from.

The new option is Print All Documents. You can select both the Send Documents in E-mail option and Print All Documents, and the system will email every customer that is set up for email, and then print all documents, even if they were emailed already. You can also select just the Send Document in E-mail option or the Print Document option. And lastly, choose Print Document and Send Document in E-mail at the same time, and Dynamics GP will email all customers that set up for email, and then print the remaining documents for customer that are not set up for email. Dyamics GP will also print those documents that could not be emailed during the run.

To open the Print Sales Documents window, go to the Transaction menu, choose Sales, and then choose Print Sales Documents. You must then choose which sales document or range of sales documents to print and email.

See also

Printing and sending documents in email
Sales Order Processing