New URL parameter hides web client header


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
End users by admins, makers, or analysts This feature is released. Apr 17, 2020 This feature is released. Jun 10, 2020

Business value

The Business Central web client is flexible enough to meet a variety of UI integration needs.

Feature details

A new showHeader parameter is now supported in the URL to access Business Central so that developers and administrators can hide the Microsoft 365 header from the web client.

This parameter can be used to improve the user experience in various controlled integration scenarios, such as:

  • Embedding the Business Central web client in other web applications.
  • Freeing up more screen space for client control add-ins that are intended to occupy most of the screen.

This parameter behaves similarly to other URL parameters that strip away elements in the UI to create more focused space. By hiding the header, users will not be able to reach any functionality that is exposed through the header, such as the ability to sign out or switch to different apps using the App Launcher.

The web client as rendered when the ShowHeader parameter is applied to the URL

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See also

Web Client URL (docs)