Get relevant session and environment details for Teams integration

This article describes some AL code for getting session and environment information, which you can use to change the behavior of Business Central card or tab in Teams.

Check whether the current session runs in Teams

You can adapt page objects to display specific content or behave differently when they're run in the context of Teams, in a card details window or tab.

The CurrentClientType method returns the value Teams when the user session runs in a card details window or in a tab. For example, you can use this method to set the visibility of actions that are useful in the context of collaboration.

if CurrentClientType = ClientType::Teams then  

Check whether the current session runs with a Microsoft 365 license

When people access Business Central data in Microsoft Teams using only their Microsoft 365 license, the Business Central platform automatically prevents writing of data. It also simplifies the user experience by removing the action bar, FactBox pane, and other UI elements. You can adapt page objects to display specific content or behaviors when this category of user accesses the page in the card details window or in a tab. For example, you could use this information to hide specific columns on the page or provide more in-app guidance.

To determine whether the current user is accessing Business Central using only a Microsoft 365 license, the following code snippet can be used:

// checks whether the current user has only the Microsoft 365 Plan 
procedure IsM365PlanUserOnly(): Boolean 
    PlanIds: Codeunit "Plan Ids"; 
    UsersInPlans: Query "Users In Plans"; 
    IsM365PlanUser: Boolean; 
    DoesUserHaveOtherPlans: Boolean; 
    UsersInPlans.SetFilter(User_Security_ID, UserSecurityId()); 
    if not UsersInPlans.Open() then 
    while UsersInPlans.Read() do 
        if (UsersInPlans.Plan_ID = PlanIds.GetMicrosoft365PlanId()) then 
            IsM365PlanUser := true 
            DoesUserHaveOtherPlans := true; 
    exit(IsM365PlanUser and (not DoesUserHaveOtherPlans)); 

Check whether access with Microsoft 365 licenses is enabled

To help Business Central users easily share and collaborate on business data with their coworkers, administrators can enable access with Microsoft 365 licenses on each environment. When enabled, users in an organization who have a Microsoft 365 license, but no Business Central license, can read (not write) Business Central data that's shared with them in Microsoft Teams.

To determine whether administrators have enabled this capability on the current environment, the following code snipped can be used:

procedure IsM365CollaborationEnabled(): Boolean 
    if CanQueryGraph() then 

See also

Developing for Microsoft Teams Integration Overview
Extend Teams Cards
Add Business Central Tabs
Add and Remove Recommended Content