NT2020.006 – Intermediary sales digital platform for NF-e

A sale can occur even when the customer isn't physically present. Instead, a digital platform or marketplace can serve as an intermediary for the transaction. In these scenarios, the XML of the electronic fiscal document model 55 (NF-e) that is issued from the sale must contain a new tag to indicate that an intermediary participated in the operation.

This feature supports scenarios when a digital platform or marketplace is owned or licensed by the fiscal document issuer.

Enable the technical note in Dynamics 365 Finance and Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

  1. Sign in to your instance of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance or Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.
  2. Go to Organization administration > Organizations > Fiscal establishments > Fiscal establishments.
  3. Select the fiscal establishment, and then select Edit.
  4. On the NF-e and NFC-e federal FastTab, in the NF-e technical notes field group, select Enable NF-e technical note.
  5. In the NF-e technical notes field, select 2020.006 v1.10 technical note for version 1.10 of the technical note.

Enable the technical note in Dynamics AX 2012 R3

  • Apply KB 4611321 to enable version 1.10 of the technical note in Dynamics AX 2012 R3.
  • Apply KB 4598546 to enable version 1.00 of the technical note in Dynamics AX 2012 R3.

Enter the new NF-e rejection codes

Technical note NT2020.006 introduced new NF-e rejection codes. Complete the following steps to add the codes.

  1. Go to Organization administration > Organizations > Electronic documents > NF-e federal parameters.
  2. On the Rejection codes tab, select New to enter the new rejection codes. For the list of new rejection codes, consult the documentation of the NT2020.006 technical note available in the NF-e Portal.

Scope from version 1.00 of the Technical Note

New tag <indintermed>

When a digital platform that is owned by the taxpayer serves as the intermediary for a sale, if the presence type is set to one of the following values on the header of the sales order that is created for the sale, the <indintermed> tag is added to the XML of the NF-e. The value is set to 0 (zero).

  • Internet
  • Telesales
  • Others

If the presence type is different than those listed, the <indintermed> tag is not placed in the XML.

Scope from version 1.10 of the Technical Note

  • Update in the validation rule B25c-10: added the option "In person" to generate the <indintermed> tag

Scope from version 1.20 of the Technical Note

  • YA02: Adding options to the tag <tPag>
  • 2.2.1, B25c-10: reverted the option "In person" to generate the <indintermed> tag
  • YB01-10: Update in the rules when the node <infIntermed> must exist
  • YB01-20: Update in the rules when the node <infIntermed> must not exist
  • YA02a, YA02a-10, YA02a-20: New tag <xPag> added when <tPag> = 99

Out of scope for the feature

  • This feature doesn't support NF-e that are issued from free text invoices that are generated from sales where the customer isn't physically present and a sales digital platform serves as an intermediary.
  • This feature doesn't support NF-e that are issued from returns, transfer orders, or complementary and tax credit scenarios.