Frequently asked questions for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys - General

Where can I find help for errors, unexpected behavior, crashes, or bugs?

The list below details sources and channels for issues that you can find solutions to in the documentation:

You can leave feedback on the documentation by selecting Submit and view feedback for this page at the bottom of any docs page. You also help us improve our documentation by selecting Yes or No under Is this page helpful? on the right side of any docs page.

How can I create a support ticket from the Power Platform admin center?

Admins can use the Help + support experience in the Power Platform admin center to open support requests.

  1. Sign in to the Power Platform admin center with your admin credentials.

  2. Select Help + support > New support request.

    Select Help + support in the Power Platform admin center.

  3. Select Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement > Customer Insights - Journeys app.

    Select the Customer Insights - Journeys app from the drop down.

Where can I learn about known issues and limitations in the Customer Insights - Journeys app?