Determine sales prices for project estimates and actuals

Applies To: Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing

To determine sales prices on estimates and actuals in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations, the system first uses the date and currency in the incoming estimate or actual context to determine the sales price list. In the actual context specifically, the system uses the Transaction date field to determine which price list is applicable. The Transaction date value of the incoming estimate or actual is compared with the Effective Start (Timezone independent) and Effective End (Timezone independent) values on the price list. After the sales price list is determined, the system determines the sales or bill rate.

Determining sales rates on actual and estimate lines for Time

Estimate context for Time refers to:

  • Quote line details for Time.
  • Contract line details for Time.
  • Resource assignments on a project.

Actual context for Time refers to:

  • Entry and Correction journal lines for Time.
  • Journal lines that are created when a time entry is submitted.
  • Invoice line details for Time.

After a price list for sales is determined, the system completes the following steps to enter the default bill rate.

  1. The system matches the combination of the Role and Resourcing Unit fields in the estimate or actual context for Time against the role price lines on the price list. This matching assumes that you're using the out-of-box pricing dimensions for bill rates. If you've configured pricing so that it's based on fields other than or in addition to Role and Resourcing Unit, that combination of fields is used to retrieve a matching role price line.
  2. If the system finds a role price line that has a bill rate for the Role and Resourcing Unit combination, that bill rate is used as the default bill rate.
  3. If the system can't match the Role and Resourcing Unit values, it retrieves role price lines that have matching values for the Role field but null values for the Resource Unit field. After the system finds a matching role price record, the bill rate from that record will be used as the default bill rate. This matching assumes an out-of-box configuration for the relative priority of Role versus Resourcing Unit as a sales pricing dimension.


If you configure a different prioritization of the Role and Resourcing Unit fields, or if you have other dimensions that have higher priority, the preceding behavior will change accordingly. The system retrieves role price records that have values that match each pricing dimension value in order of priority. Rows that have null values for those dimensions come last.

Determining sales rates on actual and estimate lines for Expense

Estimate context for Expense refers to:

  • Quote line details for Expense.
  • Contract line details for Expense.
  • Expense estimate lines on a project.

Actual context for Expense refers to:

  • Entry and Correction journal lines for Expense.
  • Journal lines that are created when an expense entry is submitted.
  • Invoice line details for Expense.

After a price list for sales is determined, the system completes the following steps to enter the default unit sales price.

  1. The system matches the combination of the Category and Unit fields on the estimate line for Expense against the category price lines on the price list.

  2. If the system finds a category price line that has a sales rate for the Category and Unit combination, that sales rate is used as the default sales rate.

  3. If the system finds a matching category price line, the pricing method might be used to enter the default sales price. The following table shows the defaulting behavior for expense prices in Project Operations.

    Context Pricing method Default price
    Estimate Price per unit Based on the category price line.
    At cost 0.00
    Markup over cost 0.00
    Actual Price per unit Based on the category price line.
    At cost Based on the related cost actual.
    Markup over cost A markup is applied, as defined by the category price line, to the unit cost rate of the related cost actual.
  4. If the system can't match the Category and Unit values, the sales rate is set to 0 (zero) by default.

Determining sales rates on actual and estimate lines for Material

Estimate context for Material refers to:

  • Quote line details for Material.
  • Contract line details for Material.
  • Material estimate lines on a project.

Actual context for Material refers to:

  • Entry and Correction journal lines for Material.
  • Journal lines that are created when a Material usage log is submitted.
  • Invoice line details for Material.

After a price list for sales is determined, the system completes the following steps to enter the default unit sales price.

  1. The system matches the combination of the Product and Unit fields on the estimate line for Material against the price list item lines on the price list.
  2. If the system finds a price list item line that has a sales rate for the Product and Unit combination, and if the pricing method is Currency amount, the sales price that is specified on the price list line is used.
  3. If the Product and Unit field values aren't a match, or if the pricing method is something other than Currency amount, the sales rate is set to 0 (zero) by default. This behavior occurs because Project Operations supports only the Currency amount pricing method for materials that are used on a project.