2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
This document provides important, late-breaking information about these product versions:
� Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1
� Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update
� Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 0.1
� Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015
You will also find information about known issues. Where possible, workarounds are provided for the known issues.
Known issuesCRM for Tablets and CRM for Phones Parature Knowledge Management Integration
Top ResourcesAdmins, check out Deploying and administering Microsoft Dynamics CRM, located on TechNet. Your �Get ready� guide for this release - check back for updates CRM Help Center � info central for admins, developers, trainers, and IT pros |
This section is for general issues that occur in CRM Online 2015 Update, CRM Online Update 1, CRM 2015 (on-premises), and CRM 2015 Update 0.1.
No issues at this time.
Before upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015, customers should update registered plugin assemblies to run in full trust isolation mode (non-sandbox mode) if there are any steps registered against any custom plugin in that assembly for the following message and entity combinations:
1. RetrieveMultiple/Create/Update/SetState of all entities (global plugins)
2. RetrieveMultiple /Create/Update/SetState of the following entities:
� msdyn_postconfig
� msdyn_postruleconfig
When Auto-save occurs, a blur event is triggered on fields to ensure we capture all changes. Unfortunately, this also causes the mouse position to move and may potentially disrupt input. The workaround is to disable auto-save for organizations where users type a lot in one field. For example, if users are expected to type in multi-line text fields for long durations, then this may be disruptive.
If you change the values of composite fields of an exported Excel file, and import the changes back, the values of composite fields will not be imported to CRM, because those fields are read-only. One good example would be Full Name of a CRM contact (which is a composite field).
If you need to modify the composite fields in Excel and import it back, the workaround is to export the individual fields of the composite fields. For example, you can export from a view that has First Name and Last Name as separate columns.
When you export CRM data using Export to Excel, if you choose Dynamic Worksheet or Dynamic PivotTable, you need to have CRM for Outlook installed on your computer. Otherwise, the PivotTable won�t be created and you won�t be able to refresh the data from CRM.
If you export CRM data that has a date and time column to Excel, you will only see the date field in Excel cells. This is because Excel�s default format only allows a date visualization.
However, the entire date and time value is still exported. You can see it by clicking the Excel cell. You will see the date and time value in the cell description.
If you have a phone number that starts with �+� or �-�, when you refresh the dynamic worksheet, the data visualization in Excel may misrecognize the cell values as Excel formulas, causing the data presentation to be wrong. For example, a phone field: +1-987-654-3210 may be represented as -4850 after refresh.
Excel does auto-calculations on refresh in this case when a phone number is put in with the following format +A-XXX-YYY-ZZZZ, Excel would evaluate this formula on dynamic refresh. You can avoid that by not having a hyphen (-) after the first A in the format mentioned earlier and use space or (), so please have phone numbers use the following format: +A XXX-YYY-ZZZZ or +A (XXX)-YYY-ZZZZ
The Excel format with the .xlsx file name extension of a data import template does not allow you to create new columns in Excel and import it back to CRM as new columns. If you really need to do this, use an older version of a data import template that does not have the .xlsx file extension (such as .xls), in order to create new columns in CRM by adding new columns in Excel.
When you use OneNote integration to create a notebook for a particular CRM record, and then you navigate to associate the grids Document of this record, you will see two records being displayed. This is because OneNote creates multiple files corresponding to sections and one for the notebook root.
This does not impact your day-to-day usage of OneNote integration, but don�t delete any of them. Otherwise the notebook structure may break and OneNote may no longer understand the structure.
OneNote integration shows you the names of the sections of the dedicated notebook for a CRM record. However, if you later rename one of the sections in OneNote online, the change will not reflect your changes when it is shown in CRM. This is due to the file structure being inconsistent between OneNote Online and how CRM integrates with OneNote.
The workaround is to rename the section in OneNote on your desktop. This way the changed section name will be displayed correctly in CRM.
On CRM for Phones, if you delete an item from a multi-entity lookup field and you want to add it back, you need to close the lookup and then reopen it before that deleted item will appear again. For example, if you remove a call participant from the lookup in a Phone Call activity, it will not be possible to add that same record again unless you close the lookup and reopen it.
If a task is created in the web client of Dynamics CRM, then synchronized down to Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook, this task won�t change ownership properly if it is assigned to another user from CRM for Outlook. The task will remain assigned to the original user in CRM even though the phone call task has been assigned to another user in Outlook.
To work around this issue, simply make all phone call assignments directly from the web client.
When the CRM for Outlook Configuration Wizard is opened, tracing is disabled. This issue does not affect the configuration log file.
If tracing is required, use the following workaround:
1. Open the Configuration Wizard.
2. Open the CRM for Outlook Diagnostics Tool and enable tracing.
3. Complete the Configuration Wizard workflow.
In the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Configuration Wizard, if you attempt to connect to a second organization that has the same name as another organization that�s already been configured, you will receive an error asking you to rename the organization - �which isn�t possible with the new Configuration Wizard.
As a workaround, cancel this action and on the main window within the Configuration Wizard, select the existing organization that has the same name and rename it. This will affect only this computer�s local display name for this organization, not the actual name of the CRM organization.
Blank user form is shown when clicked on Owner hyperlink in Reading Pane in Outlook Offline mode.
In CRM for Outlook, only the organizer, if he or she is from the same CRM organization, can track an appointment in CRM. This applies to both server-side synchronization and Outlook synchronization.
CRM 2013 for Outlook before Update Rollup 1 is not compatible with Dynamics CRM 2015. Contact Microsoft Dynamics CRM Support if upgrading to Update Rollup 1 or 2 is not possible.
If you send email messages with mail merge from campaign activities and deselect one or more recipients from the list, the email is sent only to the first selected recipient in the list. However, if no recipient is deselected, the mail goes out to all the recipients.
If you choose only select members of the target marketing list during the merge process, and you select Include an unsubscribe link in the email message, the emails will be sent to only one recipient.
To work around this issue, browse back to the first record in Word before finishing the mail merge OR disable the unsubscribe link option in the merge dialog box.
The Filter button on the ribbon does not work for any entity grid for the CRM Online 2015 Update 1 client with CRM 2015 Server.
The workaround is not to upgrade the client to 2015 Update 1 or update both of them to 2015 Update 1.
The Fields page uses classic form rendering rather than the forms available as part of the improved rendering engine.
The wrong date and time value is shown in the Outlook reading pane and grid for Timezone-Independent and User-Local behavior fields for dates before 01/01/1900.
CRM for Outlook is not able to connect to a Dynamics CRM server that is hosted in Azure.
The Server-Side Sync log from the Mailbox form includes a section for Mailbox Synchronization Methods.� It also indicates that 1 = Outlook Sync.� That is true for Incoming and Outgoing email, but for ACT 1, it actually means Server Side Sync.� What we show now is:
� Mailbox Synchronization Methods (2 is server-side sync or email router, 1 is Outlook sync, 0 is none)
� incomingemaildeliverymethod : 2
� outgoingemaildeliverymethod : 2
� actdeliverymethod : 1
But in reality, for actdeliverymethod, 1 = Server Side Sync. This does not affect the log itself or the functionality.
If the Hyperlink in a Parature Knowledge Base article doesn�t have an anchor attribute that is set to target="_blank",� it will be opened inside the KB Search control, causing distortion on the screen, rather than opening in a new browser window.
The workaround is to ensure that target=_blank is set up for all hyperlinks while you are creating the article.
IPad Safari Browser - Not able to play video in Safari browser on IPad (Bug 341408)
The workaround is to define a link as well for the video in the content (while creating KB Article in parature) itself so that the same can be opened in a new window while in IPad.
If you are directly trying to upgrade your Unified Service Desk (USD) solution from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Spring �14 to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1, here are the steps to perform:
1. Unregister the existing Microsoft.Uii.Customization.Plugin
2. Now import the solution and the solution will get imported successfully
3. Check the new Microsoft.Uii.Customization.Plugin is present in plug-in assemblies
If you do not follow these steps, the solution imports will fail.
If you are updating your CRM Online instance with Unified Service Desk solutions to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 (version 7.1.0), we recommend that you update your existing Unified Service Desk solutions and client to the latest version. Otherwise, the older Unified Service Desk client (version 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.1 or 1.1.1) won't work with the new forms rendering engine in CRM. More information: Update Unified Service Desk
Older Unified Service Desk clients will continue to work fine if you use legacy forms instead of the new forms rendering engine after updating your CRM Online instance to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1. For information about using the legacy forms, see the Use legacy form rendering option in the Help & Training: System Settings dialog box - General tab topic.
However, if you intend to use your old Unified Service Desk clients with the new forms rendering engine and latest Unified Service Desk solutions, contact Product Support to request a hotfix.
When the USD cache is deleted and an agent starts USD for the first time, data from CRM may not load properly.
The workaround is to close and reopen USD, which will trigger the Xrm.Page.data.Onload() event. Subsequent calls to that event work fine.
You are unable to create a currency type calculated field on an activity entity if the formula does not contain any condition and the action is setting only a primitive expression.
The workaround is to add a simple condition to the formula. To ensure your calculation is always executed, you can make the condition always evaluate to true.
If you try to create a calculated field that references a custom field on a related activity record (such as a task, phone call, or fax), the calculated field will not save.��
If you are using process actions within workflows, please ensure that you do not remove or update the types of output parameters. Changing the parameters can cause the editor for the dependent workflow to not load.
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The videos and eBooks might be in English only. Also, if you click the links, you may be redirected to a U.S. website whose content is in English.
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