System requirements

This topic provides information about the system requirements for installing the Unified Service Desk client application and deploying the Unified Service Desk sample applications on the Microsoft Dataverse instance.

Hardware requirements for the Unified Service Desk client

The following table lists the minimum and recommended hardware requirements to run the Unified Service Desk client.

Component Minimum requirements Recommended requirements
Processor x86- or x64-bit 1.9 gigahertz (GHz) dual core with SSE2 instruction set or faster processor x86- or x64-bit 1.9 gigahertz (GHz) dual core with SSE2 instruction set or faster processor
Memory ^4 GB RAM or more 8 GB RAM or more
Hard disk *1.5 GB of available hard disk space 12 GB of available hard disk space: 2 GB of available hard disk space for Unified Service Desk client application files and 10 GB additional available hard disk space for Unified Service Desk client log files

7200 RPM or more

^The minimum memory is for running basic scenarios. The actual memory required for Unified Service Desk increases with complex configurations and custom development (UI experience).

*Requires disabling Unified Service Desk client logging. More information: Configure client diagnostic logging in Unified Service Desk

Software requirements for the Unified Service Desk client

To install the Unified Service Desk client on a computer, you need the following:

Requirement Recommended version Supported version
Operating system Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 (installed during Unified Service Desk setup if missing)
Windows Identity Foundation Windows Identity Foundation 3.5 (installed during Unified Service Desk setup if missing)
Screen resolution 1920 x 1080 (Pixels)
Magnifier 100 %

Software requirements for the Unified Service Desk client

To install the Unified Service Desk client on a computer, you need the following:

Requirement Recommended version Supported version
Operating system Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 (installed during Unified Service Desk setup if missing)
Windows Identity Foundation Windows Identity Foundation 3.5 (installed during Unified Service Desk setup if missing)
Screen resolution 1920 x 1080 (Pixels)
Magnifier 100 %

Software requirements for the Unified Service Desk client

To install the Unified Service Desk client on a computer, you need the following:

Requirement Recommended version Supported version
Operating system Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 (installed during Unified Service Desk setup if missing)
Windows Identity Foundation Windows Identity Foundation 3.5 (installed during Unified Service Desk setup if missing)
Screen resolution 1920 x 1080 (Pixels)
Magnifier 100 %

Support for Unified Service Desk

The latest three versions of Unified Service Desk are supported. On the release of the latest version of Unified Service Desk, the oldest supported version will be deprecated.

The supported versions of Unified Service Desk are 4.2, 4.1, and 4.0.


Unified Service Desk version 3.3 and earlier are not supported after June 21, 2021; after this date, organizations with these versions will not have access to the Unified Service Desk client. If you're using Unified Service Desk version 3.3 or earlier, we recommend that you upgrade to the latest versions of Unified Service Desk and Dynamics 365 for Customer Service by October 01, 2021.

Software requirements for the Package Deployer tool

The Package Deployer tool is used for deploying Unified Service Desk sample applications. For more information on the requirements, see Deploy packages using Dynamics CRM Package Deployer and Windows PowerShell.

Hosting types

Unified Service Desk offers you different browser controls for hosting your webpages.

Supported hosting types Recommended hosting types
  • Edge WebView2 Process
  • Chrome Process
  • IE Process (discontinued)
  • Edge Process (discontinued)
  • Internal WPF (deprecated)
Edge WebView2 Process


  • Because support for Internet Explorer 11 is deprecated, support for IE Process has also been discontinued in Unified Service Desk. More information: Deprecation announcement

  • The support for hosting Unified Interface pages using Chrome Process (CefSharp) in Unified Service Desk and earlier versions is based on the Power Apps system requirements and limits. More information: Supported browsers for running Power Apps

Impact of Unified Interface Only availability with Unified Service Desk

You have deployed Unified Service Desk in a sandbox environment and when you reset the sandbox environment, you will have only the Unified Interface experience. To enable the web client experience, see How to enable/disable Unified Interface Only mode.

After you enable the web client experience, go to the Window Navigation Rules and update the navigation URLs for all the rules.

Software requirements for Citrix XenApp application virtualization

You can install and run the Unified Service Desk client as a published app on Citrix XenApp 7.6. This allows agents to access the Unified Service Desk client from a central location.

You can also configure a Windows application as a virtual application on Citrix XenApp 7.6 that runs as a hosted application in Unified Service Desk. More information: Integrate with Citrix applications

See also

Install Unified Service Desk client
Deploy Unified Service Desk packages to Dataverse using Package Deployer
Install and deploy Unified Service Desk
Upgrade a Unified Service Desk solution