How DLP rules are applied to evaluate messages in Exchange Online

You can set up sensitive information rules within your Microsoft Exchange data loss prevention (DLP) policies to detect specific data in email messages. This article will help you understand how these rules are applied and how messages are evaluated. You can avoid workflow disruptions for your email users and achieve a high degree of accuracy with your DLP detections if you know how your rules are enforced. Let's use the Microsoft-supplied credit card information rule as an example. When you activate a mail flow rule (also known as a transport rule) or DLP policy, all messages that your users send are compared with the rule sets that you create.

Get precise about your needs

Suppose you need to act on credit card information in messages. The actions you take once it's found aren't the subject of this article, but you can learn more about that in Mail flow rule actions in Exchange Online. With as most certainty as possible, you need to ensure that what is detected in a message is truly credit card data and not something else that could be a legitimate use of groups of numbers that merely resemble credit card data; for example, a reservation code or a vehicle identification number.

To meet this need, let's make it clear that the following information should be classified as a credit card:

Margie's Travel,
I have received updated credit card information for Spencer.
Spencer Badillo
Visa: 4111 1111 1111 1111
Expires: 2/2012
Please update his travel profile.

Let's also make it clear that the following information shouldn't be classified as a credit card.

Hi Alex,
I expect to be in Hawaii too. My booking code is 1234 1234 1234 1234 and I'll be there on 3/2018.
Regards, Lisa

The following XML snippet shows how the needs expressed earlier are currently defined in a sensitive information rule that is provided with Exchange and it's embedded within one of the supplied DLP policy templates.

<Entity id="50842eb7-edc8-4019-85dd-5a5c1f2bb085" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
      <Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
        <IdMatch idRef="Func_credit_card" />
        <Any minMatches="1">
          <Match idRef="Keyword_cc_verification" />
          <Match idRef="Keyword_cc_name" />
          <Match idRef="Func_expiration_date" />

Pattern-matching in your solution

The XML rule definition shown earlier includes pattern-matching, which improves the likelihood that the rule will detect only the important information and not detect vague, related information.

In the credit card rule, there's a section of XML code for patterns, which includes a primary identifier match and some additional corroborative evidence. All three of these requirements are explained here:

  1. <IdMatch idRef="Func_credit_card" /> : This requires a match of a function, titled credit card, that is internally defined. This function includes a couple of validations as follows:

  2. It matches a regular expression (in this instance for 16 digits) that could also include variations like a space delimiter so that it also matches 4111 1111 1111 1111 or a hyphen delimiter so that it also matches 4111-1111-1111-1111.

  3. It evaluates the Lhun's checksum algorithm against the 16-digit number in order to ensure the likelihood of this being a credit card number is high.

  4. It requires a mandatory match, after which corroborative evidence is evaluated.

  5. <Any minMatches="1">: This section indicates that the presence of at least one of the following items of evidence is required.

  6. The corroborative evidence can be a match of one of these three:

    • <Match idRef="Keyword_cc_verification">

    • <Match idRef="Keyword_cc_name">

    • <Match idRef="Func_expiration_date">

    These three simply mean a list of keywords for credit cards, the names of the credit cards, or an expiration date is required. The expiration date is defined and evaluated internally as another function.

The process of evaluating content against rules

The five steps here represent actions that Exchange takes to compare your rule with email messages. For our credit card rule example, the following steps are taken.

Step Action
1. Get Content Spencer Badillo p> Visa: 4111 1111 1111 1111

Expires: 2/2012

2. Regular Expression Analysis 4111 1111 1111 1111 -> a 16-digit number is detected
3. Function Analysis 4111 1111 1111 1111 -> matches checksum

1234 1234 1234 1234 -> doesn't match

4. Additional Evidence
Keyword Visa is near the number. A regular expression for a date (2/2012) is near the number.
5. Verdict
There's a regular expression that matches a checksum. Additional evidence increases confidence.

The way this rule is set up by Microsoft makes it mandatory that corroborating evidence such as keywords are a part of the email message content in order to match the rule. So the following email content wouldn't be detected as containing a credit card:

Margie's Travel,
I have received updated information for Spencer.
Spencer Badillo
4111 1111 1111 1111
Please update his travel profile.

You can use a custom rule that defines a pattern without extra evidence, as shown in the next example. This would detect messages with only credit card number and no corroborating evidence.

      <Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
         <IdMatch idRef="Func_credit_card" />

The illustration of credit cards in this article can be extended to other sensitive information rules as well. To see the complete list of the Microsoft-supplied rules in Exchange, use the Get-ClassificationRuleCollection cmdlet in Exchange Online PowerShell in the following manner:

$rule_collection = Get-ClassificationRuleCollection
$rule_collection[0].SerializedClassificationRuleCollection | [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('oob_classifications.xml', $file.FileData)

For more information

Data loss prevention

Mail flow rules (transport rules) in Exchange Online

Exchange Online PowerShell