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Player Custom Properties Quickstart


The Player Custom Properties feature is in private preview. We anticipate ongoing changes to it as we continue gathering feedback and optimizing for customer use.

To get started using Player Custom Properties, follow the guides below.

Creating, modifying, deleting Player Custom Properties in Game Manager

Sign in to Game Manager.

  • Go to the Players page and select a player.
  • Select the Player Data tab.
  • Select the Custom subtab.

Navigate to Player Custom Properties

Create a new custom property:

  • Select Add.
  • Fill the Key and Value fields.
  • Select the custom property Type from the dropdown.
  • You'll notice the New label at the bottom increase by the number of custom properties you add.
  • Select Save player data

Create new Player Custom Properties

Remove a custom property:

  • Select the Trash can on the left side of the custom property.
  • You'll notice the Removed label at the bottom increase by the number of custom properties you remove.
  • Select Save player data.

Remove Player Custom Properties

Remove Player Custom Properties result

To modify a custom property:

  • Select Key and Value fields and change the values in them.
  • You'll notice the Changed label at the bottom increase by the number of custom properties you modify.
  • Select Save player data.

Modify Player Custom Properties

Modify Player Custom Properties result

Creating and modifying custom properties on a player via PlayStream Rules


V1 and V2 PlayStream events can be used to set or update custom properties.

  • Sign in to Game Manager.
  • Go to the Automation page and select the Rules tab.
  • Select the New rule button on the top right of the page.
  • Populate the Name and Event type text boxes. V1 events are prefixed with com.playfab. or title. whereas v2 events are prefixed with playfab. or custom.
  • If desired, set any Conditions for triggering this rule based on the event's contents.
  • To create a custom property, under Actions select Adding custom property and populate the fields.
  • To modify a custom property, under Actions select Update player custom properties. The action accepts an expandable list of properties as shown below.
  • Select Save action.

Create and modify Player Custom Properties with PlayStream rules


If the event chosen for the rule is a standard event, you will have a list of available properties to choose from. If the event is a custom event, then this will be an open text field.