The Player Custom Properties feature is in private preview. We anticipate ongoing changes to it as we continue gathering feedback and optimizing for customer use.
To get started using Player Custom Properties, follow the guides below.
Creating, modifying, deleting Player Custom Properties in Game Manager
Go to the Automation page and select the Rules tab.
Select the New rule button on the top right of the page.
Populate the Name and Event type text boxes. V1 events are prefixed with com.playfab. or title. whereas v2 events are prefixed with playfab. or custom.
If desired, set any Conditions for triggering this rule based on the event's contents.
To create a custom property, under Actions select Adding custom property and populate the fields.
To modify a custom property, under Actions select Update player custom properties. The action accepts an expandable list of properties as shown below.
Select Save action.
If the event chosen for the rule is a standard event, you will have a list of available properties to choose from. If the event is a custom event, then this will be an open text field.
Learn about foundational accessibility best practice principles that you can use to guide the development of games and platforms. Also learn how to use the Xbox Accessibility Guidelines, a free online resource for developers that provides a comprehensive list of best practices organized by specific game elements and features.
Learn about using custom tags to customize your events. Custom tags are a collection of key-value-pairs that studios can optionally include with an API request.