Real-time notifications for Lobby and Matchmaking APIs


Using Lobby, Matchmaking, and real-time notifications directly with REST and SignalR APIs is significantly more complex than using client SDKs such as the Lobby C++ SDK and Matchmaking C++ SDK, and should only be done if the SDKs don't meet your needs.

The Lobby and Matchmaking services offer a real-time notifications feature, which enables individual game clients to subscribe to receive notifications from these services. Game clients subscribe for notifications over a persistent SignalR WebSocket connection. To learn more about the scenario as a whole, see the conceptual documentation for Lobby and Matchmaking real-time notifications.

To use this feature, game clients will first need to implement a SignalR client that connects to the SignalR Hub for real-time notifications. Once connected, the clients can subscribe to resources they would like to receive notifications for.

See also