Let's say that you need guilds, clans, corporations, companies, tribes - or whatever your game calls them - PlayFab has them.
PlayFab builds guilds using the new Entity Programming Model, or more specifically - the entity type of groups. Entity groups are a broader concept than guilds, but fundamentally, entity groups have been created as a solution for guilds.
Entity groups
Entity groups are the root concept that was inspired by the need for clans/guilds.
At its core, entity groups are any logical group of entities, which can serve any purpose. Entity groups can simultaneously serve many purposes within your game.
Clans/Guilds - This was the starting point, and the main driving need. Entity groups can be used to describe a set of players who are playing together regularly, for whatever social glue that holds them together on a long-term basis.
Parties - Entity groups can be used for short-term groups created to allow individual players to accomplish an immediate goal, and then easily disbanded afterward.
Chat Channels - Short or long term chat channels can be defined as an entity group.
In-Game subscription to information - Do you have a single-instance legendary item in your game? Do players want constant updates about what is happening with that item? Create an entity group focused on that item, with all player entities interested in the item as members.
In short, entity groups can be any collection of entities (whether NPC or player-controlled, real or abstract), which need a persistent-state bound to that group.
A friends list is a group. A three person private chat is a group. Go nuts!
We'd appreciate some warning in the forums if you are trying something we might not be expecting...
In addition, since entity groups are also entities themselves, they'll contain all the initial features of entities:
Object data
File data
They'll be eligible for new entity features going forward, if those features are relevant to groups.
Groups have a default limit of 1000 members per group
Using entity groups
Today, entity groups can contain players and/or characters. When creating a group, the first entity added to the group is placed in an Admin role (this guide refers to that entity as the owner, for simplicity). The owner will then be able to invite new members, create new roles with a wide variety of customizable permissions, modify member roles, kick members, etc.
Additionally, the same entity functions that exist for entities also function for groups, so you'll be able to save JSON objects and files directly to the group to save arbitrary game-specific data.
The code example that is provided below should give you a head start on basic guild interaction.
It allows you to create groups, add and remove members, and delete the group. It's meant to be a starting point, and doesn't demonstrate any of the roles or permissions.
using PlayFab;
using PlayFab.GroupsModels;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
///<summary>/// Assumptions for this controller:/// + Entities can be in multiple groups/// - This is game specific, many games would only allow 1 group, meaning you'd have to perform some additional checks to validate this.///</summary>
// A local cache of some bits of PlayFab data// This cache pretty much only serves this example , and assumes that entities are uniquely identifiable by EntityId alone, which isn't technically true. Your data cache will have to be better.publicreadonly HashSet<KeyValuePair<string, string>> EntityGroupPairs = new HashSet<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
publicreadonly Dictionary<string, string> GroupNameById = new Dictionary<string, string>();
publicstatic EntityKey EntityKeyMaker(string entityId)
returnnew EntityKey { Id = entityId };
privatevoidOnSharedError(PlayFab.PlayFabError error)
publicvoidListGroups(EntityKey entityKey)
var request = new ListMembershipRequest { Entity = entityKey };
PlayFabGroupsAPI.ListMembership(request, OnListGroups, OnSharedError);
privatevoidOnListGroups(ListMembershipResponse response)
var prevRequest = (ListMembershipRequest)response.Request;
foreach (var pair in response.Groups)
GroupNameById[pair.Group.Id] = pair.GroupName;
EntityGroupPairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(prevRequest.Entity.Id, pair.Group.Id));
publicvoidCreateGroup(string groupName, EntityKey entityKey)
// A player-controlled entity creates a new groupvar request = new CreateGroupRequest { GroupName = groupName, Entity = entityKey };
PlayFabGroupsAPI.CreateGroup(request, OnCreateGroup, OnSharedError);
privatevoidOnCreateGroup(CreateGroupResponse response)
Debug.Log("Group Created: " + response.GroupName + " - " + response.Group.Id);
var prevRequest = (CreateGroupRequest)response.Request;
EntityGroupPairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(prevRequest.Entity.Id, response.Group.Id));
GroupNameById[response.Group.Id] = response.GroupName;
publicvoidDeleteGroup(string groupId)
// A title, or player-controlled entity with authority to do so, decides to destroy an existing groupvar request = new DeleteGroupRequest { Group = EntityKeyMaker(groupId) };
PlayFabGroupsAPI.DeleteGroup(request, OnDeleteGroup, OnSharedError);
privatevoidOnDeleteGroup(EmptyResponse response)
var prevRequest = (DeleteGroupRequest)response.Request;
Debug.Log("Group Deleted: " + prevRequest.Group.Id);
var temp = new HashSet<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
foreach (var each in EntityGroupPairs)
if (each.Value != prevRequest.Group.Id)
publicvoidInviteToGroup(string groupId, EntityKey entityKey)
// A player-controlled entity invites another player-controlled entity to an existing groupvar request = new InviteToGroupRequest { Group = EntityKeyMaker(groupId), Entity = entityKey };
PlayFabGroupsAPI.InviteToGroup(request, OnInvite, OnSharedError);
publicvoidOnInvite(InviteToGroupResponse response)
var prevRequest = (InviteToGroupRequest)response.Request;
// Presumably, this would be part of a separate process where the recipient reviews and accepts the requestvar request = new AcceptGroupInvitationRequest { Group = EntityKeyMaker(prevRequest.Group.Id), Entity = prevRequest.Entity };
PlayFabGroupsAPI.AcceptGroupInvitation(request, OnAcceptInvite, OnSharedError);
publicvoidOnAcceptInvite(EmptyResponse response)
var prevRequest = (AcceptGroupInvitationRequest)response.Request;
Debug.Log("Entity Added to Group: " + prevRequest.Entity.Id + " to " + prevRequest.Group.Id);
EntityGroupPairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(prevRequest.Entity.Id, prevRequest.Group.Id));
publicvoidApplyToGroup(string groupId, EntityKey entityKey)
// A player-controlled entity applies to join an existing group (of which they are not already a member)var request = new ApplyToGroupRequest { Group = EntityKeyMaker(groupId), Entity = entityKey };
PlayFabGroupsAPI.ApplyToGroup(request, OnApply, OnSharedError);
publicvoidOnApply(ApplyToGroupResponse response)
var prevRequest = (ApplyToGroupRequest)response.Request;
// Presumably, this would be part of a separate process where the recipient reviews and accepts the requestvar request = new AcceptGroupApplicationRequest { Group = prevRequest.Group, Entity = prevRequest.Entity };
PlayFabGroupsAPI.AcceptGroupApplication(request, OnAcceptApplication, OnSharedError);
publicvoidOnAcceptApplication(EmptyResponse response)
var prevRequest = (AcceptGroupApplicationRequest)response.Request;
Debug.Log("Entity Added to Group: " + prevRequest.Entity.Id + " to " + prevRequest.Group.Id);
publicvoidKickMember(string groupId, EntityKey entityKey)
var request = new RemoveMembersRequest { Group = EntityKeyMaker(groupId), Members = new List<EntityKey> { entityKey } };
PlayFabGroupsAPI.RemoveMembers(request, OnKickMembers, OnSharedError);
privatevoidOnKickMembers(EmptyResponse response)
var prevRequest= (RemoveMembersRequest)response.Request;
Debug.Log("Entity kicked from Group: " + prevRequest.Members[0].Id + " to " + prevRequest.Group.Id);
EntityGroupPairs.Remove(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(prevRequest.Members[0].Id, prevRequest.Group.Id));
Deconstructing the example
This example is built as a controller, which saves minimal data to a local cache (PlayFab being the authoritative data layer), and provides a way to perform CRUD operations on groups.
Let's take a look at some of the functions in the example provided:
OnSharedError - This is a typical pattern with PlayFab examples. The simplest way to handle an error is to report it. Your game client will probably have much more sophisticated error handling logic.
ListMembership - This calls ListMembership to determine all the groups that the given entity belongs to. Players want to know the groups they have already joined.
CreateGroup/DeleteGroup - Mostly self-explanatory. This example demonstrates updating the local group info cache when these calls are executed successfully.
InviteToGroup/ApplyToGroup - Joining a group is a two-step process, and it can be activated both directions:
A player can ask to join a group.
A group can invite a player.
AcceptGroupInvitation/AcceptGroupApplication - The second step of the join process. The responding entity accepts the invitation, completing the process of making the player a part of the group.
RemoveMembers - Members with authority to do so (defined by their role permissions), will be able to kick members from a group.
Server vs client
Like all new entity API methods, there's no distinction between the server API and the client API.
The action is performed by the caller, according to how the process was authenticated. A client will be identified as such, and will call these methods as a title player entity, and their roles and permissions within the group will be evaluated with every call, ensuring they have permission to perform this action.
A server is authenticated with the same developerSecretKey, which identifies that process as a title entity. A title bypasses the role checks, and API calls executed by a title will only fail if the action is impossible to perform, in an instance such as if an entity can't be removed if they aren't a member.
This module provides instruction on how to create groups for distributing email to multiple users within Exchange Online. It also explains how to create groups to support collaboration in SharePoint Online.