operationApprovalPolicyType enum type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
The set of available policy types that can be configured for approval. The policy type must always be defined in an OperationApprovalRequest.
Member | Value | Description |
unknown | 0 | Default. Indicates that the configured policy type is unknown. Not a valid policy type in an OperationApprovalPolicy. |
deviceAction | 1 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Device Action. Not in use at this time. |
deviceWipe | 2 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Device Wipe Action. Not in use at this time. |
deviceRetire | 3 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Device Retire Action. Not in use at this time. |
deviceRetireNonCompliant | 4 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Retire Non-Compliant Devices Action. Not in use at this time. |
deviceDelete | 5 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Device Delete Action. Not in use at this time. |
deviceLock | 6 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Device Lock Action. Not in use at this time. |
deviceErase | 7 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Device Erase Action. Not in use at this time. |
deviceDisableActivationLock | 8 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Device Disable Activation Lock Action. Not in use at this time. |
windowsEnrollment | 9 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Windows Enrollment. Not in use at this time. |
compliancePolicy | 10 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Compliance Policy. Not in use at this time. |
configurationPolicy | 11 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Configuration Policy. Not in use at this time. |
appProtectionPolicy | 12 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for an App Protection Policy. Not in use at this time. |
policySet | 13 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Policy Set. Not in use at this time. |
filter | 14 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Filter. Not in use at this time. |
endpointSecurityPolicy | 15 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for an Endpoint Security Policy. Not in use at this time. |
app | 16 | Indicates that the configured policy type is an application type, such as mobile apps or built-in apps. |
script | 17 | Indicates that the configured policy type is a script type, such as Powershell scripts or remediation scripts. |
role | 18 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Role. Not in use at this time. |
deviceResetPasscode | 19 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Device Reset Passcode Action. Not in use at this time. |
customOrganizationalMessage | 20 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for a Custom Organizational Message. Not in use at this time. |
unknownFutureValue | 21 | Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Do not use. |
operationApprovalPolicy | 22 | Indicates that the configured policy type is for an Operation Approval Policy. |