Package containing the data models for SecurityCenter. API spec for Microsoft.Security (Azure Security Center) resource provider.
Aad |
The connectivity state of the external AAD solution. |
Aad |
Describes an Azure resource with kind. |
Aad |
Represents an AAD identity protection solution which sends logs to an OMS workspace. |
Aad |
The external security solution properties for AAD solutions. |
Active |
Number of active connections is not in allowed range. |
Additional |
Data types sent to workspace. |
Additional |
Workspace type. |
Additional |
Properties of the additional workspaces. |
Alert |
Changing set of properties depending on the entity type. |
Alert |
List of security alerts. |
Alert |
Changing set of properties depending on the supporting |
Alert |
The risk level of the threat that was detected. |
Alert |
Simulate alerts according to this bundles. |
Alert |
Alert Simulator request body. |
Alert |
Describes properties of an alert simulation request. |
Alert |
The life cycle status of the alert. |
Alert |
Represents an alert sync setting. |
Allowed |
List of all possible traffic between Azure resources. |
Allowlist |
A custom alert rule that checks if a value (depends on the custom alert type) is allowed. |
AmqpC2DMessages |
Number of cloud to device messages (AMQP protocol) is not in allowed range. |
AmqpC2DRejected |
Number of rejected cloud to device messages (AMQP protocol) is not in allowed range. |
AmqpD2CMessages |
Number of device to cloud messages (AMQP protocol) is not in allowed range. |
Api |
Page of a list of API collections as represented by Microsoft Defender for APIs. |
Assessment |
Links relevant to the assessment. |
Assessment |
The result of the assessment. |
Assessment |
Programmatic code for the status of the assessment. |
Assessment |
The result of the assessment. |
Assessment |
Built |
Assigned |
Describe the properties of a security assessment object reference (by key). |
Assigned |
Describe the properties of a of a standard assignments object reference. |
Ata |
Represents an ATA security solution which sends logs to an OMS workspace. |
Ata |
The external security solution properties for ATA solutions. |
Attestation |
Attest category of this assignment. |
Attestation |
Describe the properties of a assignment attestation. |
Azure |
Details of the Azure resource that was assessed. |
Azure |
Azure resource identifier. |
Azure |
Describes an Azure resource with kind. |
Azure |
A vulnerability assessments setting on Azure servers in the defined scope. |
Bundle |
Alert Simulator supported bundles. |
Categories |
The categories of resource that is at risk when the assessment is unhealthy. |
Cef |
Represents a security solution which sends CEF logs to an OMS workspace. |
Cef |
The external security solution properties for CEF solutions. |
Code |
The operation status code. |
Compliance |
List of compliance results response. |
Connectable |
Describes the allowed inbound and outbound traffic of an Azure resource. |
Connected |
Describes properties of a connected resource. |
Connected |
Represents an OMS workspace to which the solution is connected. |
Connection |
Inbound connection from an ip that isn't allowed. |
Connection |
Outbound connection to an ip that isn't allowed. |
Connection |
Defines values for Connection |
Control |
The type of security control (for example, Built |
Custom |
A custom alert rule. |
Custom |
A list of Custom Recommendations. |
Data |
Represents a data export setting. |
Data |
Defines values for Data |
Denylist |
A custom alert rule that checks if a value (depends on the custom alert type) is denied. |
Device |
List of device security groups. |
Direct |
Number of direct method invokes is not in allowed range. |
Discovered |
The Discovered |
Effect |
Expected effect of this assignment (Audit/Exempt/Attest). |
Enforce |
If set to "False", it allows the descendants of this scope to override the pricing configuration set on this scope (allows setting inherited="False"). |
Exemption |
Exemption category of this assignment. |
Expand |
Defines values for Expand |
Expand |
Defines values for Expand |
Export |
Defines values for Export |
Extension |
A plan's extension properties. |
External |
The kind of the external solution. |
External |
The External |
External |
The solution properties (correspond to the solution kind). |
Failed |
Number of failed local logins is not in allowed range. |
File |
Number of file uploads is not in allowed range. |
HttpC2DMessages |
Number of cloud to device messages (HTTP protocol) is not in allowed range. |
HttpC2DRejected |
Number of rejected cloud to device messages (HTTP protocol) is not in allowed range. |
HttpD2CMessages |
Number of device to cloud messages (HTTP protocol) is not in allowed range. |
Implementation |
The implementation effort required to remediate this assessment. |
Inherited |
"inherited" = "True" indicates that the current scope inherits its pricing configuration from its parent. |
Intent |
The kill chain related intent behind the alert. |
Io |
List of IoT Security solution aggregated alert data. |
Io |
The Io |
Io |
List of IoT Security solution aggregated recommendations. |
Io |
Statistical information about the number of alerts per device during last set number of days. |
Io |
Statistical information about the number of alerts per alert type during last set number of days. |
Io |
Statistical information about the number of recommendations per device, per recommendation type. |
Io |
The Io |
Io |
List of IoT Security solutions. |
Io |
IoT Security solution analytics severity metrics. |
Is |
Indicates whether the extension is enabled. |
Jit |
The Jit |
Jit |
The Jit |
Jit |
The Jit |
Jit |
The Jit |
Jit |
The Jit |
Jit |
The Jit |
Jit |
The Jit |
Jit |
The Jit |
Kind |
The kind of alert simulation. |
Kind |
Describes an Azure resource with kind. |
List |
A List custom alert rule. |
Local |
Login by a local user that isn't allowed. |
Location |
Describes an Azure resource with location. |
Log |
Represents a Log Analytics workspace scope identifier. |
MqttC2DMessages |
Number of cloud to device messages (MQTT protocol) is not in allowed range. |
MqttC2DRejected |
Number of rejected cloud to device messages (MQTT protocol) is not in allowed range. |
MqttD2CMessages |
Number of device to cloud messages (MQTT protocol) is not in allowed range. |
On |
Details of the On Premise resource that was assessed. |
On |
Details of the On Premise Sql resource that was assessed. |
Operation |
A status describing the success/failure of the extension's enablement/disablement operation. |
Partial |
Describes properties of an assessment as related to the standard. |
Pricing |
Indicates whether the Defender plan is enabled on the selected scope. |
Process |
Execution of a process that isn't allowed. |
Protocol |
Defines values for Protocol. |
Provisioning |
The security family provisioning State. |
Queue |
Number of device queue purges is not in allowed range. |
Recommendation |
Recommendation status. |
Recommendation |
The type of IoT Security recommendation. |
Recommendation |
The cloud that the recommendation is supported on. |
Recommendation |
The type of IoT Security recommendation. |
Reported |
Assessed alert severity. |
Resource |
Details of the resource that was assessed. |
Resource |
A resource identifier for an alert which can be used to direct the alert to the right product exposure group (tenant, workspace, subscription etc.). |
Resource |
There can be multiple identifiers of different type per alert, this field specify the identifier type. |
Resource |
The status of the resource regarding a single assessment. |
Resources |
This field is available for subscription-level only, and reflects the coverage status of the resources under the subscription. |
Secure |
List of security controls definition. |
Secure |
The type of the security control (For example, Built |
Secure |
List of security controls. |
Secure |
List of secure scores. |
Security |
Security assessment on a resource. |
Security |
Page of a security assessments list. |
Security |
Describes the partner that created the assessment. |
Security |
The Security |
Security |
List of security assessment metadata. |
Security |
Data regarding 3rd party partner integration. |
Security |
Describes properties of an assessment. |
Security |
The security family of the discovered solution. |
Security |
The severity to relate to the assessments generated by this Recommendation. |
Security |
The Security |
Security |
Status of the IoT Security solution. |
Security |
The Security |
Security |
Page of a Standard list. |
Server |
The provisioning |
Server |
The selected vulnerability assessments provider on Azure servers in the defined scope. |
Server |
The kind of the server vulnerability assessments setting. |
Server |
Defines values for Server |
Server |
A page of a server vulnerability assessments settings list. |
Setting |
the kind of the settings string. |
Setting |
Defines values for Setting |
Settings |
Subscription settings list. |
Severity |
The severity level of the assessment. |
Severity |
The severity to relate to the assessments generated by this Recommendation. |
Source |
The platform where the assessed resource resides. |
Standard |
The standard assignment metadata. |
Standard |
Additional data about assignment that has Attest effect. |
Standard |
Additional data about assignment that has Exempt effect. |
Standard |
Page of a standard assignment list. |
Standard |
The standard metadata. |
Standard |
The cloud that the standard is supported on. |
Standard |
Standard type (Custom or Default or Compliance only currently). |
Status |
The status of the port. |
Status |
A description of why the `status` has its value. |
Tactics |
Tactic of the assessment. |
Tags |
A container holding only the Tags for a resource, allowing the user to update the tags. |
Techniques |
Techniques of the assessment. |
Threats |
Threats impact of the assessment. |
Threshold |
A custom alert rule that checks if a value (depends on the custom alert type) is within the given range. |
Time |
A custom alert rule that checks if the number of activities (depends on the custom alert type) in a time window is within the given range. |
Topology |
The Topology |
Topology |
The Topology |
Topology |
The Topology |
Topology |
The Topology |
Twin |
Number of twin updates is not in allowed range. |
Unauthorized |
Number of unauthorized operations is not in allowed range. |
Unmasked |
Unmasked IP address logging status. |
Update |
The Update |
User |
Properties of the IoT Security solution's user defined resources. |
User |
The user impact of the assessment. |
Value |
The value type of the items in the list. |
Advanced |
An immutable client-side representation of Advanced |
Advanced |
The entirety of the Advanced |
Advanced |
The Advanced |
Advanced |
The first stage of the Advanced |
Advanced |
The stage of the Advanced |
Advanced |
The stage of the Advanced |
Advanced |
The stage of the Advanced |
Advanced |
Resource collection API of Advanced |
Alert |
An immutable client-side representation of Alert. |
Alerts |
Resource collection API of Alerts. |
Allowed |
Resource collection API of Allowed |
Allowed |
An immutable client-side representation of Allowed |
Api |
An immutable client-side representation of Api |
Api |
Resource collection API of Api |
Assessments |
Resource collection API of Assessments. |
Assessments |
Resource collection API of Assessments |
Compliance |
An immutable client-side representation of Compliance |
Compliance |
Resource collection API of Compliance |
Custom |
An immutable client-side representation of Custom |
Custom |
The entirety of the Custom |
Custom |
The Custom |
Custom |
The first stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The template for Custom |
Custom |
The Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
The stage of the Custom |
Custom |
Resource collection API of Custom |
Device |
An immutable client-side representation of Device |
Device |
The entirety of the Device |
Device |
The Device |
Device |
The first stage of the Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
The template for Device |
Device |
The Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
The stage of the Device |
Device |
Resource collection API of Device |
Discovered |
An immutable client-side representation of Discovered |
Discovered |
Resource collection API of Discovered |
External |
An immutable client-side representation of External |
External |
Resource collection API of External |
Io |
An immutable client-side representation of Io |
Io |
An immutable client-side representation of Io |
Io |
An immutable client-side representation of Io |
Io |
An immutable client-side representation of Io |
Io |
An immutable client-side representation of Io |
Io |
The entirety of the Io |
Io |
The Io |
Io |
The first stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The template for Io |
Io |
The Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Io |
The stage of the Io |
Iot |
Resource collection API of Iot |
Iot |
Resource collection API of Iot |
Iot |
Resource collection API of Iot |
Iot |
Resource collection API of Iot |
Jit |
Resource collection API of Jit |
Jit |
An immutable client-side representation of Jit |
Jit |
The entirety of the Jit |
Jit |
The Jit |
Jit |
The first stage of the Jit |
Jit |
The stage of the Jit |
Jit |
The stage of the Jit |
Jit |
The stage of the Jit |
Jit |
The stage of the Jit |
Jit |
The stage of the Jit |
Jit |
The template for Jit |
Jit |
The Jit |
Jit |
The stage of the Jit |
Jit |
The stage of the Jit |
Jit |
The stage of the Jit |
Jit |
An immutable client-side representation of Jit |
Pricing |
An immutable client-side representation of Pricing. |
Pricing |
An immutable client-side representation of Pricing |
Pricings |
Resource collection API of Pricings. |
Secure |
An immutable client-side representation of Secure |
Secure |
Resource collection API of Secure |
Secure |
An immutable client-side representation of Secure |
Secure |
An immutable client-side representation of Secure |
Secure |
Resource collection API of Secure |
Secure |
An immutable client-side representation of Secure |
Secure |
Resource collection API of Secure |
Security |
An immutable client-side representation of Security |
Security |
The entirety of the Security |
Security |
The Security |
Security |
The first stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
An immutable client-side representation of Security |
Security |
The entirety of the Security |
Security |
The Security |
Security |
The first stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The template for Security |
Security |
The Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
An immutable client-side representation of Security |
Security |
Resource collection API of Security |
Security |
An immutable client-side representation of Security |
Security |
Resource collection API of Security |
Security |
An immutable client-side representation of Security |
Security |
The entirety of the Security |
Security |
The Security |
Security |
The first stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The template for Security |
Security |
The Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
The stage of the Security |
Security |
Resource collection API of Security |
Server |
An immutable client-side representation of Server |
Server |
Resource collection API of Server |
Server |
An immutable client-side representation of Server |
Server |
An immutable client-side representation of Server |
Server |
Resource collection API of Server |
Setting |
An immutable client-side representation of Setting. |
Settings |
Resource collection API of Settings. |
Standard |
An immutable client-side representation of Standard |
Standard |
The entirety of the Standard |
Standard |
The Standard |
Standard |
The first stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
The stage of the Standard |
Standard |
Resource collection API of Standard |
Topologies |
Resource collection API of Topologies. |
Topology |
An immutable client-side representation of Topology |
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