PublicIPAddressConfiguration interface

The public IP Address configuration of the networking configuration of a Pool.



The list of public IPs which the Batch service will use when provisioning Compute Nodes. The number of IPs specified here limits the maximum size of the Pool - 100 dedicated nodes or 100 low-priority nodes can be allocated for each public IP. For example, a pool needing 250 dedicated VMs would need at least 3 public IPs specified. Each element of this collection is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{group}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/{ip}.


The provisioning type for Public IP Addresses for the Pool. The default value is BatchManaged. Possible values include: 'batchManaged', 'userManaged', 'noPublicIPAddresses'

Property Details


The list of public IPs which the Batch service will use when provisioning Compute Nodes. The number of IPs specified here limits the maximum size of the Pool - 100 dedicated nodes or 100 low-priority nodes can be allocated for each public IP. For example, a pool needing 250 dedicated VMs would need at least 3 public IPs specified. Each element of this collection is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{group}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/{ip}.

ipAddressIds?: string[]

Property Value



The provisioning type for Public IP Addresses for the Pool. The default value is BatchManaged. Possible values include: 'batchManaged', 'userManaged', 'noPublicIPAddresses'

provision?: IPAddressProvisioningType

Property Value