Excel.LabelFilterCondition enum

Enum representing all accepted conditions by which a label filter can be applied. Used to configure the type of PivotFilter that is applied to the field. PivotFilter.criteria.exclusive can be set to true to invert many of these conditions.


[ API set: ExcelApi 1.12 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/38-pivottable/pivottable-pivotfilters.yaml

await Excel.run(async (context) => {
  // Add a PivotFilter to filter based on the strings of item labels.

  // Get the PivotTable.
  const pivotTable = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet().pivotTables.getItem("Farm Sales");

  // Get the "Type" field.
  const field = pivotTable.hierarchies.getItem("Type").fields.getItem("Type");

  // Filter out any types that start with "L" ("Lemons" and "Limes" in this case).
  const filter: Excel.PivotLabelFilter = {
    condition: Excel.LabelFilterCondition.beginsWith,
    substring: "L",
    exclusive: true

  // Apply the label filter to the field.
  field.applyFilter({ labelFilter: filter });

  await context.sync();


beginsWith = "BeginsWith"

Label begins with substring criterion.

Required Criteria: {substring}. Optional Criteria: {exclusive}.

between = "Between"

Between lowerBound and upperBound criteria.

Required Criteria: {lowerBound, upperBound}. Optional Criteria: {exclusive}.

contains = "Contains"

Label contains substring criterion.

Required Criteria: {substring}. Optional Criteria: {exclusive}.

endsWith = "EndsWith"

Label ends with substring criterion.

Required Criteria: {substring}. Optional Criteria: {exclusive}.

equals = "Equals"

Equals comparator criterion.

Required Criteria: {comparator}. Optional Criteria: {exclusive}.

greaterThan = "GreaterThan"

Greater than comparator criterion.

Required Criteria: {comparator}.

greaterThanOrEqualTo = "GreaterThanOrEqualTo"

Greater than or equal to comparator criterion.

Required Criteria: {comparator}.

lessThan = "LessThan"

Less than comparator criterion.

Required Criteria: {comparator}.

lessThanOrEqualTo = "LessThanOrEqualTo"

Less than or equal to comparator criterion.

Required Criteria: {comparator}.

unknown = "Unknown"

LabelFilterCondition is unknown or unsupported.