OfficeRuntime.Auth interface

Interface that contains authorization related APIs.


The methods in this interface are equivalent to those in the Office.auth interface. If new authentication types are added in the future, they will only be added to the Office.auth interface. For simplicity, the code examples throughout the documentation use Office.auth.



Calls the Azure Active Directory V 2.0 endpoint to get an access token to your add-in's web application. Enables add-ins to identify users. Server-side code can use this token to access Microsoft Graph for the add-in's web application by using the "on behalf of" OAuth flow. This API requires a single sign-on configuration that bridges the add-in to an Azure application. Office users sign-in with Organizational Accounts and Microsoft Accounts. Microsoft Azure returns tokens intended for both user account types to access resources in the Microsoft Graph.

Method Details


Calls the Azure Active Directory V 2.0 endpoint to get an access token to your add-in's web application. Enables add-ins to identify users. Server-side code can use this token to access Microsoft Graph for the add-in's web application by using the "on behalf of" OAuth flow. This API requires a single sign-on configuration that bridges the add-in to an Azure application. Office users sign-in with Organizational Accounts and Microsoft Accounts. Microsoft Azure returns tokens intended for both user account types to access resources in the Microsoft Graph.

getAccessToken(options?: AuthOptions): Promise<string>;



Optional. Accepts an AuthOptions object to define sign-on behaviors.



Promise to the access token.


Applications: Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word


  • In Outlook, this API isn't supported if you load an add-in in an or Gmail mailbox.

  • In Outlook on the web, this API isn't supported if you use the Safari browser. This results in error 13001 ("The user is not signed into Office").

  • In Outlook on the web, if you use the displayDialogAsync method to open a dialog, you must close the dialog before you can call getAccessToken.