Office.NodeReplacedEventArgs interface

Provides information about the replaced node that raised the nodeReplaced event.



Gets whether the replaced node was inserted as part of an undo or redo operation by the user.


Gets the node that was just added to the CustomXMLPart object.

Note that this node may have children, if a subtree was just added to the document.


Gets the node which was just deleted (replaced) from the CustomXmlPart object.

Note that this node may have children, if a subtree is being removed from the document. Also, this node will be a "disconnected" node in that you can query down from the node, but you cannot query up the tree - the node appears to exist alone.

Property Details


Gets whether the replaced node was inserted as part of an undo or redo operation by the user.

isUndoRedo: boolean;

Property Value



Gets the node that was just added to the CustomXMLPart object.

Note that this node may have children, if a subtree was just added to the document.

newNode: CustomXmlNode;

Property Value


Gets the node which was just deleted (replaced) from the CustomXmlPart object.

Note that this node may have children, if a subtree is being removed from the document. Also, this node will be a "disconnected" node in that you can query down from the node, but you cannot query up the tree - the node appears to exist alone.

oldNode: CustomXmlNode;

Property Value