onenote package
One |
Represents the top-level object that contains all globally addressable OneNote objects such as notebooks, the active notebook, and the active section. |
One |
Represents a group of ink strokes. |
One |
Represents an Image. An Image can be a direct child of a PageContent object or a Paragraph object. |
One |
Represents ink analysis data for a given set of ink strokes. |
One |
Represents ink analysis data for an identified text line formed by ink strokes. |
One |
Represents a collection of InkAnalysisLine objects. |
One |
Represents ink analysis data for an identified paragraph formed by ink strokes. |
One |
Represents a collection of InkAnalysisParagraph objects. |
One |
Represents ink analysis data for an identified word formed by ink strokes. |
One |
Represents a collection of InkAnalysisWord objects. |
One |
Represents a single stroke of ink. |
One |
Represents a collection of InkStroke objects. |
One |
A container for the ink in a word in a paragraph. |
One |
Represents a collection of InkWord objects. |
One |
Represents a OneNote notebook. Notebooks contain section groups and sections. |
One |
Represents a collection of notebooks. |
One |
A container for the NoteTag in a paragraph. |
One |
Represents a container for Paragraph objects. |
One |
Represents a OneNote page. |
One |
Represents a collection of pages. |
One |
Represents a region on a page that contains top-level content types such as Outline or Image. A PageContent object can be assigned an XY position. |
One |
Represents the contents of a page, as a collection of PageContent objects. |
One |
A container for the visible content on a page. A Paragraph can contain any one ParagraphType type of content. |
One |
Represents a collection of Paragraph objects. |
One |
Represents a single point of ink stroke |
One |
Represents a collection of Point objects. |
One |
One |
Represents a RichText object in a Paragraph. |
One |
Represents a OneNote section. Sections can contain pages. |
One |
Represents a collection of sections. |
One |
Represents a OneNote section group. Section groups can contain sections and other section groups. |
One |
Represents a collection of section groups. |
One |
Represents a table in a OneNote page. |
One |
Represents a cell in a OneNote table. |
One |
Contains a collection of TableCell objects. |
One |
Represents a row in a table. |
One |
Contains a collection of TableRow objects. |
One |
Represents data obtained by OCR (optical character recognition) of an image. |
One |
Weak reference to an ink stroke object and its content parent. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents the top-level object that contains all globally addressable OneNote objects such as notebooks, the active notebook, and the active section. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
Provides ways to load properties of only a subset of members of a collection. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a group of ink strokes. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents an Image. An Image can be a direct child of a PageContent object or a Paragraph object. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of InkAnalysisLine objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents ink analysis data for an identified text line formed by ink strokes. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
Represents ink analysis data for a given set of ink strokes. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of InkAnalysisParagraph objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents ink analysis data for an identified paragraph formed by ink strokes. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of InkAnalysisWord objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents ink analysis data for an identified word formed by ink strokes. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of InkStroke objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a single stroke of ink. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of InkWord objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
A container for the ink in a word in a paragraph. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of notebooks. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a OneNote notebook. Notebooks contain section groups and sections. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
A container for the NoteTag in a paragraph. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a container for Paragraph objects. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of pages. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents the contents of a page, as a collection of PageContent objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a region on a page that contains top-level content types such as Outline or Image. A PageContent object can be assigned an XY position. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a OneNote page. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of Paragraph objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the ParagraphCollection object, for use in |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
A container for the visible content on a page. A Paragraph can contain any one ParagraphType type of content. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of Point objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a single point of ink stroke |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a RichText object in a Paragraph. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of sections. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a collection of section groups. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a OneNote section group. Section groups can contain sections and other section groups. |
One |
Represents a OneNote section. Sections can contain pages. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Contains a collection of TableCell objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a cell in a OneNote table. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a table in a OneNote page. |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Contains a collection of TableRow objects. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
An interface describing the data returned by calling |
One |
Represents a row in a table. |
One |
An interface for updating data on the |
One |
List information for paragraph. |
One |
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the OneNote object model, using a new request context. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released. |
One |
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the OneNote object model, using the request context of a previously-created API object. |
One |
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the OneNote object model, using the request context of previously-created API objects. |
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the OneNote object model, using a new request context. When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released.
export function run<T>(batch: (context: OneNote.RequestContext) => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
- batch
(context: OneNote.RequestContext) => Promise<T>
A function that takes in an OneNote.RequestContext and returns a promise (typically, just the result of "context.sync()"). The context parameter facilitates requests to the OneNote application. Since the Office add-in and the OneNote application run in two different processes, the request context is required to get access to the OneNote object model from the add-in.
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the OneNote object model, using the request context of a previously-created API object.
export function run<T>(object: OfficeExtension.ClientObject, batch: (context: OneNote.RequestContext) => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
- object
- OfficeExtension.ClientObject
A previously-created API object. The batch will use the same request context as the passed-in object, which means that any changes applied to the object will be picked up by "context.sync()".
- batch
(context: OneNote.RequestContext) => Promise<T>
A function that takes in an OneNote.RequestContext and returns a promise (typically, just the result of "context.sync()"). When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released.
Executes a batch script that performs actions on the OneNote object model, using the request context of previously-created API objects.
export function run<T>(objects: OfficeExtension.ClientObject[], batch: (context: OneNote.RequestContext) => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
- objects
- batch
(context: OneNote.RequestContext) => Promise<T>
A function that takes in an OneNote.RequestContext and returns a promise (typically, just the result of "context.sync()"). When the promise is resolved, any tracked objects that were automatically allocated during execution will be released.
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