Body |
clear() |
Clears the contents of the body object. |
contentControls |
Gets the collection of rich text content control objects in the body. |
font |
Gets the text format of the body. |
getHtml() |
Gets an HTML representation of the body object. |
getOoxml() |
Gets the OOXML (Office Open XML) representation of the body object. |
inlinePictures |
Gets the collection of InlinePicture objects in the body. |
insertBreak(breakType: Word.BreakType | "Page" | "Next" | "SectionNext" | "SectionContinuous" | "SectionEven" | "SectionOdd" | "Line", insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts a break at the specified location in the main document. |
insertContentControl(contentControlType?: Word.ContentControlType.richText | Word.ContentControlType.plainText | Word.ContentControlType.checkBox | Word.ContentControlType.dropDownList | Word.ContentControlType.comboBox | "RichText" | "PlainText" | "CheckBox" | "DropDownList" | "ComboBox") |
Wraps the Body object with a content control. |
insertFileFromBase64(base64File: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts a document into the body at the specified location. |
insertHtml(html: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts HTML at the specified location. |
insertOoxml(ooxml: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts OOXML at the specified location. |
insertParagraph(paragraphText: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts a paragraph at the specified location. |
insertText(text: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts text into the body at the specified location. |
paragraphs |
Gets the collection of paragraph objects in the body. |
parentContentControl |
Gets the content control that contains the body. |
search(searchText: string, searchOptions?: Word.SearchOptions | { ignorePunct?: boolean ignoreSpace?: boolean matchCase?: boolean matchPrefix?: boolean matchSuffix?: boolean matchWholeWord?: boolean matchWildcards?: boolean }) |
Performs a search with the specified SearchOptions on the scope of the body object. |
select(selectionMode?: Word.SelectionMode) |
Selects the body and navigates the Word UI to it. |
style |
Specifies the style name for the body. |
text |
Gets the text of the body. |
ContentControl |
appearance |
Specifies the appearance of the content control. |
cannotDelete |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the user can delete the content control. |
cannotEdit |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the user can edit the contents of the content control. |
clear() |
Clears the contents of the content control. |
color |
Specifies the color of the content control. |
contentControls |
Gets the collection of content control objects in the content control. |
delete(keepContent: boolean) |
Deletes the content control and its content. |
font |
Gets the text format of the content control. |
getHtml() |
Gets an HTML representation of the content control object. |
getOoxml() |
Gets the Office Open XML (OOXML) representation of the content control object. |
id |
Gets an integer that represents the content control identifier. |
inlinePictures |
Gets the collection of InlinePicture objects in the content control. |
insertBreak(breakType: Word.BreakType | "Page" | "Next" | "SectionNext" | "SectionContinuous" | "SectionEven" | "SectionOdd" | "Line", insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | Word.InsertLocation.before | Word.InsertLocation.after | "Start" | "End" | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts a break at the specified location in the main document. |
insertFileFromBase64(base64File: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts a document into the content control at the specified location. |
insertHtml(html: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts HTML into the content control at the specified location. |
insertOoxml(ooxml: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts OOXML into the content control at the specified location. |
insertParagraph(paragraphText: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | Word.InsertLocation.before | Word.InsertLocation.after | "Start" | "End" | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts a paragraph at the specified location. |
insertText(text: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts text into the content control at the specified location. |
paragraphs |
Gets the collection of paragraph objects in the content control. |
parentContentControl |
Gets the content control that contains the content control. |
placeholderText |
Specifies the placeholder text of the content control. |
removeWhenEdited |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the content control is removed after it is edited. |
search(searchText: string, searchOptions?: Word.SearchOptions | { ignorePunct?: boolean ignoreSpace?: boolean matchCase?: boolean matchPrefix?: boolean matchSuffix?: boolean matchWholeWord?: boolean matchWildcards?: boolean }) |
Performs a search with the specified SearchOptions on the scope of the content control object. |
select(selectionMode?: Word.SelectionMode) |
Selects the content control. |
style |
Specifies the style name for the content control. |
tag |
Specifies a tag to identify a content control. |
text |
Gets the text of the content control. |
title |
Specifies the title for a content control. |
type |
Gets the content control type. |
ContentControlCollection |
getById(id: number) |
Gets a content control by its identifier. |
getByTag(tag: string) |
Gets the content controls that have the specified tag. |
getByTitle(title: string) |
Gets the content controls that have the specified title. |
getItem(id: number) |
Gets a content control by its ID. |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |
Document |
body |
Gets the body object of the main document. |
contentControls |
Gets the collection of content control objects in the document. |
getSelection() |
Gets the current selection of the document. |
save(saveBehavior?: Word.SaveBehavior, fileName?: string) |
Saves the document. |
saved |
Indicates whether the changes in the document have been saved. |
sections |
Gets the collection of section objects in the document. |
Font |
bold |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the font is bold. |
color |
Specifies the color for the specified font. |
doubleStrikeThrough |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the font has a double strikethrough. |
highlightColor |
Specifies the highlight color. |
italic |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the font is italicized. |
name |
Specifies a value that represents the name of the font. |
size |
Specifies a value that represents the font size in points. |
strikeThrough |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the font has a strikethrough. |
subscript |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the font is a subscript. |
superscript |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the font is a superscript. |
underline |
Specifies a value that indicates the font's underline type. |
InlinePicture |
altTextDescription |
Specifies a string that represents the alternative text associated with the inline image. |
altTextTitle |
Specifies a string that contains the title for the inline image. |
getBase64ImageSrc() |
Gets the Base64-encoded string representation of the inline image. |
height |
Specifies a number that describes the height of the inline image. |
hyperlink |
Specifies a hyperlink on the image. |
insertContentControl() |
Wraps the inline picture with a rich text content control. |
lockAspectRatio |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the inline image retains its original proportions when you resize it. |
parentContentControl |
Gets the content control that contains the inline image. |
width |
Specifies a number that describes the width of the inline image. |
InlinePictureCollection |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |
Paragraph |
alignment |
Specifies the alignment for a paragraph. |
clear() |
Clears the contents of the paragraph object. |
contentControls |
Gets the collection of content control objects in the paragraph. |
delete() |
Deletes the paragraph and its content from the document. |
firstLineIndent |
Specifies the value, in points, for a first line or hanging indent. |
font |
Gets the text format of the paragraph. |
getHtml() |
Gets an HTML representation of the paragraph object. |
getOoxml() |
Gets the Office Open XML (OOXML) representation of the paragraph object. |
inlinePictures |
Gets the collection of InlinePicture objects in the paragraph. |
insertBreak(breakType: Word.BreakType | "Page" | "Next" | "SectionNext" | "SectionContinuous" | "SectionEven" | "SectionOdd" | "Line", insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.before | Word.InsertLocation.after | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts a break at the specified location in the main document. |
insertContentControl(contentControlType?: Word.ContentControlType.richText | Word.ContentControlType.plainText | Word.ContentControlType.checkBox | Word.ContentControlType.dropDownList | Word.ContentControlType.comboBox | "RichText" | "PlainText" | "CheckBox" | "DropDownList" | "ComboBox") |
Wraps the Paragraph object with a content control. |
insertFileFromBase64(base64File: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts a document into the paragraph at the specified location. |
insertHtml(html: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts HTML into the paragraph at the specified location. |
insertInlinePictureFromBase64(base64EncodedImage: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts a picture into the paragraph at the specified location. |
insertOoxml(ooxml: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts OOXML into the paragraph at the specified location. |
insertParagraph(paragraphText: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.before | Word.InsertLocation.after | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts a paragraph at the specified location. |
insertText(text: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.replace | Word.InsertLocation.start | Word.InsertLocation.end | "Replace" | "Start" | "End") |
Inserts text into the paragraph at the specified location. |
leftIndent |
Specifies the left indent value, in points, for the paragraph. |
lineSpacing |
Specifies the line spacing, in points, for the specified paragraph. |
lineUnitAfter |
Specifies the amount of spacing, in grid lines, after the paragraph. |
lineUnitBefore |
Specifies the amount of spacing, in grid lines, before the paragraph. |
outlineLevel |
Specifies the outline level for the paragraph. |
parentContentControl |
Gets the content control that contains the paragraph. |
rightIndent |
Specifies the right indent value, in points, for the paragraph. |
search(searchText: string, searchOptions?: Word.SearchOptions | { ignorePunct?: boolean ignoreSpace?: boolean matchCase?: boolean matchPrefix?: boolean matchSuffix?: boolean matchWholeWord?: boolean matchWildcards?: boolean }) |
Performs a search with the specified SearchOptions on the scope of the paragraph object. |
select(selectionMode?: Word.SelectionMode) |
Selects and navigates the Word UI to the paragraph. |
spaceAfter |
Specifies the spacing, in points, after the paragraph. |
spaceBefore |
Specifies the spacing, in points, before the paragraph. |
style |
Specifies the style name for the paragraph. |
text |
Gets the text of the paragraph. |
ParagraphCollection |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |
Range |
clear() |
Clears the contents of the range object. |
contentControls |
Gets the collection of content control objects in the range. |
delete() |
Deletes the range and its content from the document. |
font |
Gets the text format of the range. |
getHtml() |
Gets an HTML representation of the range object. |
getOoxml() |
Gets the OOXML representation of the range object. |
insertBreak(breakType: Word.BreakType | "Page" | "Next" | "SectionNext" | "SectionContinuous" | "SectionEven" | "SectionOdd" | "Line", insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.before | Word.InsertLocation.after | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts a break at the specified location in the main document. |
insertContentControl(contentControlType?: Word.ContentControlType.richText | Word.ContentControlType.plainText | Word.ContentControlType.checkBox | Word.ContentControlType.dropDownList | Word.ContentControlType.comboBox | "RichText" | "PlainText" | "CheckBox" | "DropDownList" | "ComboBox") |
Wraps the Range object with a content control. |
insertFileFromBase64(base64File: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation | "Replace" | "Start" | "End" | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts a document at the specified location. |
insertHtml(html: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation | "Replace" | "Start" | "End" | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts HTML at the specified location. |
insertOoxml(ooxml: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation | "Replace" | "Start" | "End" | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts OOXML at the specified location. |
insertParagraph(paragraphText: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.before | Word.InsertLocation.after | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts a paragraph at the specified location. |
insertText(text: string, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation | "Replace" | "Start" | "End" | "Before" | "After") |
Inserts text at the specified location. |
paragraphs |
Gets the collection of paragraph objects in the range. |
parentContentControl |
Gets the currently supported content control that contains the range. |
search(searchText: string, searchOptions?: Word.SearchOptions | { ignorePunct?: boolean ignoreSpace?: boolean matchCase?: boolean matchPrefix?: boolean matchSuffix?: boolean matchWholeWord?: boolean matchWildcards?: boolean }) |
Performs a search with the specified SearchOptions on the scope of the range object. |
select(selectionMode?: Word.SelectionMode) |
Selects and navigates the Word UI to the range. |
style |
Specifies the style name for the range. |
text |
Gets the text of the range. |
RangeCollection |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |
SearchOptions |
ignorePunct |
Specifies a value that indicates whether to ignore all punctuation characters between words. |
ignoreSpace |
Specifies a value that indicates whether to ignore all whitespace between words. |
matchCase |
Specifies a value that indicates whether to perform a case sensitive search. |
matchPrefix |
Specifies a value that indicates whether to match words that begin with the search string. |
matchSuffix |
Specifies a value that indicates whether to match words that end with the search string. |
matchWholeWord |
Specifies a value that indicates whether to find operation only entire words, not text that is part of a larger word. |
matchWildcards |
Specifies a value that indicates whether the search will be performed using special search operators. |
Section |
body |
Gets the body object of the section. |
getFooter(type: Word.HeaderFooterType) |
Gets one of the section's footers. |
getHeader(type: Word.HeaderFooterType) |
Gets one of the section's headers. |
SectionCollection |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |